Cement Energy and Environment

SEC. 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTR.A.ORDINARY Q (qqb) the mannrr of usage of ftmds accrued to the National Mineral Exploration Trust tulder sub-section ( 1) of section QC: (qqc l the composition and functions of the Natim1al Mineral Exploration Trust m1dtr sub-set::tion (3) of sectim1 QC: (qqdl the mmmer of payment of amount to tbe National Mineral Exploration Tmst under sub-section (-I) of section 9C: (qqc) the tenns and conditions subject to which mining leases shalllx granted tmde-r sub-section (3) of section lOB: (qqf) the tenus and conditions. and procedure. subject to which the auction shall be conducted including the bidding parameters frn: the selection under sub-section (5) of sectim1 lOB: (qqg) the time limits frn: various stages in processing applications frn: grant ofmining lease rn: prospecting licence-cum-mining lease under sections lOB.ll . llA. liB. and sectiml17 A. and their renewals: (qqlz ) the terms and conditions for grant of non-exclush·e reconnaissance pmnits under sub-section (1 ) of section IOC: (qqi) the tenns and conditions for grant of prospecting licence-cum– mining leasrs under sub-section (-I) of sectim1 11: (qqJ) the terulS and conditions. and procedure. including the bidding parameters for the selection under sub-section IO) of section 11: (qqk) the amount to be payable by a Government company or corporation. rn: a joint venture frn: grant of mining lease lmder sub-section (2C) of sectim117A: and". 15. In section 1) of the principal Act. after sub-section (3). the follo\ vi.ng sub-section Amendment shall be insetted. namely:- of section 15. "(-1) \\'ithont prejudice to sub-sections ( 1). (.?') :mel sub-section (3). the State GO\·emment may. by notification. make- mles for regul:tting the pmvisions of this Act for tlle following. namely:- (a) the marmer in which theDisuictMinet'Jl Fmmcl.1tion shall work for the interest and bene-fit of persons and :m~as affected by tn.in.ing under sub-section (2 l of section QB : (b) the composition and flmctions of the- Distlict M.i.net ·al Foundation m1der sub-section (3) of section 9B: :md (c) the amount of payment to be- made to the Dist1ict ~\'1i.neral Fmmd:ttion by concession holde·rs of minor minerals tulder sectim1 l.'iA.... 16. Aftet· sectim1 15 of the principal Act. the following section shall be inserted. Insertion of namely:- new sec!lon 15A. "!SA. 1l1e State Govemment may prescribe the payment by all holders of concessimlS related to minm- minerals of amounts to the District ~finet·ai Fmmdation of the district in which the mining operations are cauied on.... Power of State Government to rollerr funds for Dismrt Mineral Foundab.on in case of minor nunerals. 44 '