Cement Energy and Environment

SEC. 1] THE GAZETTE OF ~TIL>\ EXTR.;\ORDI!\ARY 7 11. For section 11 of the principal Act. the following sertim1 shall be snbstimted. Sub~tirutton namely:- of new ~~ellen for ··11. II) Tit.e provisions of this section shall nm be ::~pplic::~ble ro ems rowred by section lOA or section 17Aor to minerals specified in P::lrt A or PJJ.1 B of tlle First Srhtdule or ro !Jnd in respect of which minerals do not w sr u1 the Gon.''11Ul1tnt (.? J In JJ.-e::~s \Vllm there is evidencr to show the existrncr ofmine1 :U coments ::~s required by clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section). the State Govenunrm sh~ll gram ::1 mining lease for minerals oth.er thJJ.1notified minerals follmving the procrdure l.:tid dmm in section lOB. (3) In areas where there is inadequate e\,idence to sllow the existence of miner:~! contents as required under clause (a) of sub-section 12) of section 5. th.e St:ne Government shall grant a prospecting licrnce-cum-mining lease for mi.ner::ll; othe-r than notified minerals in accordance with the procedw-e !JJ.d d0\\11in tlli~ section. (-/J Tilt State Govemment shall notify the areas in which prospecting lKtncr– cum-mi.ning !rases shall be granted for any minerals other than notifird nuntnls. Ult' temlS and conditions subject to which such prospecting licenct-rum-nUJling 1ea~ts shall be granted. and any other relt 'VJJ.lt conditions. in surh m..11mer :~s mav br pr"rsrribed by tlte Central Govemment. (5) For the purpose ofgrJJ.lt.ing prospecting licence-cum-mining le:~ses. the State Govemment shall select. tluuugh auction bymethod ofcompetitive biddmg. including e-auction. an applicant who fulfils the eligibility conditions as specified in t1u; Art. (6 ) The Central Government shall pr-escribe the terms and conditions. and procedure. subject to which the auction shall be conducted. including the bidding paramet~rs for the selection. which may include a share i.n the pmdur t.ion of Ult' mineral. or any payrnrnt linked to the royaltypayable. or any other relevant parameter. or any combination ormodification of them. (7) Witlmut prejudice to the generality of sub-section ( 6 ). tllt' CentralGovenunem shall. if it is of the opinion that it is necessary and expedient to do so. pr-escribe ternlS and conditions. procedw-e and bidding parameters i.n respect ofcategories ofminerals. size and area of mineral deposits and a State or States. subject to which the ::~uction shall be conducted. (S) The StateGovernment shall gram aprospecting licencr-cum-nlining lease to an applicant selected in accordance vvitlt the pmredw-e laid dm\11 in tllis section. t 9) TI1e holder of a prospecting licence-cum-mining lease shall be requi.rt 'd to complete. within th.e petiod laid down in section 7. the prospecting operations satisfactorily as specified in the notice in'vit.ing applications. (10) A holder of a pr-ospecting licence-cum-mining lease. who completes the prospecting operation as laid down in sub-section (9) and establishes Ult' rxistence of mineral contents in the area in conformity with such parameters as may be presc1ibed for this pUl'pose by the Central Govenunenr, shall be required to apply for a mining lease for such area and shall have the tight to get the mining lease and thereafter tmdertake mining operations in accommce with the provisions of this Act.". ll. After section llA of the principal Act. the follo\\ing sections shall be inserted. nan1ely:- "liB. The Central Govenunent may. by notification in theOfficialGazette, make mles for regulating the grant of mining leases or othr:r mineral concessions in respect of minerals specified in Part B of the First Schedule and for purposes connected therewith, and the State Goverrun.ent shall grant a recoru1aissance pennit, prospecting licence or mining lease in respect of any sur.h lllineral in accordance with such rules. ~ ~rrion 11. Grant of prospecting hc~nc~-cum· llllning le;~se through au~uon 111 r~spect of m111erab other than nottfi~d nunerah. Insertion of new secuons llB and llC . Power of Centcal GovMruu.ent to make rules for regulating atomic miner:Us :specified under P:u1 B of First Schedule. 42