Cement Energy and Environment

SEC 1] THE GAZETTE OF 1:\TILA. EXTRAORDINARY QC. ( 11 TI1e Central Go\'emment shill. by notification. establish a Trost. as a non-profit body. to be called the ~ational ~eral Exploration Tmst. (.! 1 TI1e object of the Tmst shill be rouse the ftmd5 accrued ro the Tmst for the purposes of regional and detailed exploration in such marulM' as may be presnibed by the Central Go'-enuntnt. r 31 Tite composition :md fnnctiom of the Tmst shill be such as m:~y be pt-escribed by the Cetm-31 Go\·etillllent. 1-1 1 TI1e holoo· of amining lease or a prospecting licence-cum-mining lease sh:-tll pay ro the Trust. a sum equivalent ro two ptr cent. of the royalty p..1.1d i.n temlS of the Second Schedule. u1 )UCh manner as may be presctibed by the Central Govenmtent.". 10. .-\Iter section 10 of the pti.ncipal Act. the following secuons shill be u1sM1rd. nantely:- ..lOA. r 1 ) .-\11. applications recetH'd ptior to the dare of conunencemrm of the 1\'lines :-tnd ~1inerals IDevelopntent and Regulatiotl) A.mrndment...\ct. 201:'1 .shall becomr inel!gible. L' 1 \\:'i.thout prejndicr to sub-srction ( 11. the follO\\· i.ng shall rem:un eligiblr on and from the d.1te of conunencement of the Mines and Minerals (De,·elopmrnt :md Regulation )A.n1f'ndmrntAct. 101 :1:- r a J applications recei,·ed under sectiotl llA of this Act: l b ) where before the commencement of the Mine s Jnd Miner:~l s (Dewlop111f'llt and Regulation )Amendmrnt Act. 2015 J 1-ecoru1aissance pennit or prospecting licence has been granted in respect of any land for any miner:~!. the pemlit holoo· or the licensee shill ha,·e a right for obtairung J prospecrmg licence follo\\"ed by J mining lease. or a nlining leJse. JS the case may be. 111 respect of that mitteral in that land. if the State Go\·emment 1s sausfied th:Jt the permit holder or the liCMlSee. as the c:1se may be.- (i 1 has nnder:,11i:en recotmaissance operations or prospecung operJtions. JS the cJse m:~y be. to establish the existence of mineral contents in such land in Jccordance with such par:~metM·s JS may bt pl'eSCtibed by the Central Go\·emntent: (ii) has not conunirred :my biTach of the tenns and conditions of the recmmaissance pMinit or the prospecting licence: c 11il has not become ineligible under the pro\i siom of tlus Acr. and c ir ) hasnot failed to Jpply for grant ofprospecting lKence ormuung leJse. as the cJse may be. witllin a pMiod of tlu-re months aftM· the exp10· of reconnaissance pMnut or prospecting licence. as the rase may br. or \\ithin such further period not exceeding six months as m::~y be extended by t11e State Govenu11ent: (cJ where t11e Central Go\·emntent has commmlicated prt\ 10US apprm·al as required under sub-section c 1)of section) for grant of a min.mg lease. 01 If J letter of intent (by whate,·er name called) ha s been issued by the State Govemment to grant a tilllling lease. before the commencement of the :Mine ~ and Minerals (Dev-elopntent andRegulatiOtl)Amendment Act. 201 ) . the nuni.ng lease shall be granted subject to fulfilment of the cot1ditions of the prt\ious appro,·aJ or of the letter of intent within a period of two years from the date of commencement of the said Act: :-lauonal :.hnerJ.l Explorat: Tru~t Imerhon ne•.\· ~erll lOA. IOE and !OC Rl!hl~ of t'XJSilJ\g : oncessic holden a: applicant 40 '·