Cement Energy and Environment

Inserllon of new sections oB :uld OC'. DlSTflC"t ~-lineral Found3llon -1 THE GAZETTE OF !1\TIL-\ EXTRAORDINARY [PART II- fifty years from the date of grant of such lease. wlliche\-er is l:lter. subje.ct to !:he condition that all the tenns and conditions of the lease have been complied wit:h. ( 6) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections (2 J. ( 3 J and sub-section r ~ 1. tlle period of lease granted before the date of commencement of the Mines and Minerals !Development and Regulation)Atnendment Act. 2015. where mineral is used for other than captive purpose. shall be extended and be deemed to have been extended up to a period ending on the 31st March. 2020 with effect from the date of expiry of the period ofrenewal last made or till the completion ofrenewal period. if any. or a period of fifty yeJrs from the date: of grant of such lease. wllichever is later. subject to the condition that all the tenns and conditions of the lease have been complied with. ( T) Any holder of a lease granted. where mineral is used for captive pw-pose. shall ha\ -e the right of first refusal at the time of auction held for such lease after the expiry of the: lease period. (SJ Notvvithstanding anything contained in tllis section. the period of mining leases. including existing mining leases. of Government comp;:ulie>or corporations shall be such as may be prescribed by the Central Govemment. (9 J The provisions of tllis section. notwithst;:u1ding anything contained therein. shall not apply to a mining lease g;t·;:uued before the date of commencement of the tvlines andMinerals (Development illld Regulation)Amendment Act. 2015. for wllich renewal has bet>n rejected. or which has been detemlined. or lapsed. ··. Q. After senion 9A of the principal Act. the following sections shall be insetted. namely:- "9B. u J In any district affected by mining related operations. the State Govenunent ~hall. by nmificatim1. establish a trust. as a non-profit body. to be called the District Mineral Found..1tion. (..?) Tile object of the District .!\·fineral Fmmdation shall be to work for the interest and benefit ofpersons. illld areas affected by milling related operations in such m;:umer as may be prescribed by the State Government. t3l Tile composition and functions of tile District Mineral Foundatiml shall be such as may be presnibed by the StJte GO\'etlllllent. r .f l The Stare Gowmmetlt while making mles lmder sub-sections (.? J and (3) shall be guided by the pro\isiom contained in article 244 t-ead with Fifth illld Sixt11 Schedules to the Comtin1tion relating to administration of !:he Scheduled .Areas and Tribal Areas and the Prmisions of the Panchayats (Extensiml to tile Scheduled Areas) Act 1QQo illld tllt' Scheduled Tribes ~ct Otllet"Traditional ForestDwellers (Recognition offorest Rights) Act. 2006. (5) Tiu: holc'.er of a mining lease or a prospecting licence-cum-nlining lease grilllted on or aftt>r the dare of conm1encement oftlle tvlines and Minerals (Development and Regulation ) An1endnlt'nt Act. 2015. shall. in addition to !:he royalty. pay to the District Mine-ral Foundauon of the disuict in \Vhich the mining operations ;:u-e carlied on. an amount which is equivalent to such percentage of the myalty paid in terms of tlte Second Schedule. not exceeding one-third of sucllmyalty. Js may be presctibed by the Central Gowrnment 1 o 1 Tite holder of amining lease gr;:uuedbefore the date of commencement of the Mines and Minerals !Developnlent and Regulation) Amendment Act. 2015. shall. in addition to !:he royalty. pay to the District Mineral Foundation of the district in wllich t11e mining operations are earned on. m ammun not exceeding the royalty paid in terms of !:he Second Schedule in such m.1m1er and subject lo the: categorisation ofthe mining leases illld t11e amounts pay::~ble by !:he various categories of lease holders. as may be PJ.-escribed by the Cetm·ai Government. +0 of !90o. ~ of 2007.