Cement Energy and Environment

SEc. 1] THE GAZETTI. OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 3 (B) in sub-section (2).- (i) for clause (a ), the following clause shall be substituted. namely:- " (a) there is evidence ro show the existence of mineral contents in the area for which the application for a mining lease has been made in accordance with such parameters as may be prescribed for tllis purpose by the Central Govenun.ent:": (i1) after clause (b) . the following proviso shall be inserted. namely:- ''Provided that a ruining lease may be granted upon the filing of a mining plan in accordance with a system established by the State Government for preparation. certification. and monitoring of such plan. with the approval of the Central Govern.rnent.''. 6. In section 6 of the principal Act. in sub-section (1). in clause (b). for the proviso. !he following proviso shall be substituted. namely:- Amendment of section 6. ''Provided that if the Central Govemment is of the opinion that in the interest of the development of any mineral or industry. it is necessaxy so to do. it may. for reasons to be recorded in writing. increase the aforesaid area limits in respect of prospecting licence or mining lease. in so far as it pertains to any particular mineral. or to any specified category of deposits of such mineral. or to any particular mineral located in any particular area.... 7. For section 8 of the principal Act, the following section shall be substituted. namely:- Substitution of new section for section 8. "8. (1) The provisions of this section shall apply to nlinerals specified in Part A Periods for of the First Schedule. wl:uch mining leases may be (2) The maximum period for which a mining lease may be granted shall not exceed thirty years: Provided that the minimum period for which any such mining lease may be granted shall not be less than twenty years. (3) Amining lease may be renewed for a period not exceedins rwenty years •Ni.th the previous approval of the Central Go\'ernm.ent.''. granted or renewed 8. After section 8 of the principal Act. !he following section shall be insnted, namely:- Insectton of "'8A. (1) The provisions of this section shall apply to minerals olher than those specified in Part A and Part B of the First Schedule. (2) On and from the date of the commencement of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation)Amendment Act. 2015. all mining leases shall be granted for the ]:Uiod of fifty years. (3) All mining leases granted before the commencement of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act. 2015 shall be deemed to have been granted for a period of fifty years. (4) On the expiry of the lease period. the lease shall be put up for auction as per the procedure specified in this Act. (5) Notwithstanding anything contained in sob-sections (2), (3) and sub-section ( 4), the period of lease granted before the date of commencement of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation)Amendment Act. 2015, where mineral is used for captive purpose, shall be extended and be deemed to have been extended up to a period ending on the 31stMarch, 2030 with effect from the date of expiry of the period of renewal last made or till the completion of renewal period, if any. or a period of new section 8A. Penod of grant of a mirung lease for 1Il.lner3.1s other than co:1l, ligrute and atomic fll:Ulerals