Cement Energy and Environment

i Amendment ot S&UOD ·' Amendment of ~e~:tlon -l 2 THE GAZETTE OF Il\'DIA EXTRAORDINARY {P.-'JtTll- 2. In the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act. 1957 (hereinafter o7 of 1957. refemd to as ll1e principal Act). in section3.- ( 1) after clause (c). the follov.ing clause shall be u1serted. namely:- '( cal '"notified minerals" means any mineral specified in the Fourth Schedule:·: (ii) after clause (g). the following clause shall be inserte-D. namely:- '(ga) '"prospecting licence-cnm-m.in.ing lease" means a two stage concession granted for the purpose of undertaking prospecting operations followed by min.ing operations:·: (i1i) in clause (11b). llle word "and". occurring at the end. shalllx- omitted: (iv) after clause (hb). the following clause shall be inserte-D. namely:- '(hc) "Special Court" means a Court of Session designated as Special Court under sub-section (1) of section 30B: and'. J In section 4 of tlre principal Act. in tlu: second proviso to sub-section (1 ), for the words and figures "section 617of meCompaniesAct, 1956''. the words. brackets and figures "cl:mse (-15) of section 2 of llle Companies Act. 2013. and any such entity that may be notified for this pUIJlose by tile Centr.ll GO\·emment" shall be substituted. 1 of 1956. 18 of 2013. Amendment ~- In section -lAof tlu: principalAct. in sub-section ( 4 ), for tlle provisos, tlle following of secuon p!O\~sos shall be substituted. namely:- -lA Amendment of se~:tion 5. "Pro\ided tllat tlle Stau· Govenunent may. on an application made by t11ellolder of such le:tse before it lapst's and on being satisfied tllat it will n01 be possible for the holder of the lease to undenake mining operatioll5 or to continue such operations for re:tsmlS beyond his control. make an order. witlun a period of tlrree monlllS from tiie date ofreceiving of such application. subject to such cmuhtions tt!) may be prescribed. to ll1e effect tllat such lease shall not lapse: Provided furtller t11at such lease shall lapse on failure to tmdertake mining operations or .inability to continue the same beforr tile end of a period of six months from the date of tlle order of the St:tte Government: Pro\·icteo also tllat the State GO\ -eminent may. on an application made by the holder of a lease submitted \~ithin a period of si.x mmltllS from the date of its lapse and on being satisfied that such non-conm1encement m·discontinuance was due to reasons beyond the control of t11e holder of the lease, te\ ive the lease within a pe~iod of tlu-ee months from tile date of Irceiving the application from such prospective orretrospective date as it thinks fit but not earlier titan the date of lapse of the lease: Provided :llso that no lease shall be revived tmder tlle third prmiso for more than twice during the entire period of the lease.''. 5. In section 5 of tile principal Act.- (A) in sub-section (1).- (i) in clause (a). for the words. brackets and figures "sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Companies Act. 1956''. the words. brackets and figures "clause 1 of 1956. (20) of section 2 of the Companies Act. 2013'' shall be substituted: 18 of 2013. (ii) for the proviso, the following proviso shall be substituted. namely:- ''Provided that in respect of any mineral specified in Part A and Part Bof the First Schedule, no reconnaissance }nffiit. prospecting licence or mining lease shall be granted except with the previous approval of the Central Government.'': j"f