Cement Energy and Environment

Government Notifications ~ * "if• ~·-(~)04/0007/2003-15 REGISTERED NO. DL-(l'\ tOJ/0007/l003-15 ~ BJ ~o. U ] 3Hi itii{Uj L~'TR-\ORDLit\RY 'qf7l II-~ 1 PART II- St>rtion 1 Ylf\Tcm~~ PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ~~.~. 11l"f 27, 2015/~ 6, 1937 (m ) 1\UYDELHI., FRIDAY, ~lARCH 1.7, 2015/CH...UTR-\ 6, 1937 ISAK.A I ~ 'WI it f'R ~~~ \;fl'(ft t f;;rm) fCfi ~~~ <t ~ it m 'll1 wfi 1 Sepnrnte pnging is giwu to this Port in order thnt it mfly be filed ns fl sepnrnte rompilntion. l\II~ISTRY OF LA".AND JUSTICE 1Ll'gislatiH Departmt>nt l New Delhi. the 27th Mm·ch. :201 5/ Chairra b. 1CH7 (Saka) The following Act of Parli;~ment received the assent of the Pres1drnt on the l oth March. 101 ). and is hereby published for general infom1ation:- THE :MINES AND :tvliNERALS (DEVELOP:tviENTAND REGULATION) AMENDl\'lENTACT, 2015 No. 10 oF .:!015 [26th March. 2015.] An Act fu11ber to runend the Mines andMinerals (Developmem and Regulation) Act. 1957. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Sixty-sixthYear of the Republic of India as follo\\.-s:- 1. (1) This Act may be called the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Short utle and Amendment Art.l015. conm~. (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 12th day of January.1015. 36