Cement Energy and Environment

920tonnes Waste generation In the next ten years TECHNOLOGYSllUIMPERFECTBUT IMPROVING Landfills can be mined and metalsand m1nerals recovered Gasfrom landfills can be burned tor energy 820million tonnes Wastedumped in landfills in business·as·usual scenario WASTE-TO-ENERGY PLANT: Sortin1 technoloay improvina withopt1cal recognition and RFIO tags Waste ·tCHnefCYplants can taCkle non·recyclablewaste m theshort term, but require good pollutioncontrol dev1ces Environmentalists are dlv1ded about the bene titsor waste·to·energy (WTEJ plants.They say the plants create dangerous nanopartides. OfOVide an incentive toprodoce morewaste,and makepeopleIJ(oduce things that should not have beenmade in me timplace. Other environmental engmeers say nai\OjXIrtide ell'IISS/On can De comrolled to belowthat ofcoalplants,and that it's betterthan dumping waste In landfills.Good WTE plants arenotcheap either In the future, engineered miCrOOrganisms will takeover fromWTEplants Courtesy: The Economic Times, March 3, 2015, P- 18 TPJ LARGEST MSW-PRODUCING CITIES IN INDIA City Per capita Population Total waste Tons waste (in millions) generated per day (kg/cap/day) (in kilotons/year) Delhi 0.57 10,386,926 2,161 5,920 Mumbai 0.45 11,978,450 1,941 5,320 Chennai 0.62 4,343,645 1' 108 3.035 Kolkata 0.58 4,572,876 968 2,650 Hyderabad 0.57 3,637,483 798 2,185 Bangalore 0.39 4,301,326 609 1,670 Ahmedabad 0.37 3,520,085 475 1,301 Pune 0.46 2,538,473 428 1,172 Kanpur 0.43 2,551,337 401 1,098 Surat 0.41 365 2,433,835 1,000 - -.l Source: FICCI Environment Conclave 2006, New Delhi (a. Population according to 2011 census & b. Data acquired from local government) INVITATION FOR CONTRIBUTIONS Original contributions are invited in the following broad areas of cement industry operations: •!• Energy Management and Conservation •!• Environmental Management and Improvement •:• Productivity Enhancement •!• Material Conservation •!• Plant Achievements and Case Studies Typically, these could be: •!• Success stories on Energy Saving, Environmental Improvement, Material Conservation; •!• Diagnostic/Case studies on specific problems/deficiencies met with in-plant operation; •!• Reports on Productivity enhancement studies/campaigns; •!• Reports on Benchmarking of plant performance; •!• Results of R&D on energy efficient technologies/machinery; •!• Results on plant renewal/modernisation; and •!• Summary Proceedings (with recommendations where available) of Seminars/ Conferences devoted to Energy, Environment and Productivity matters in cement industry Authors are requested to send their contributions to Secretary General, Cement Manufacturers' Association, CMA Tower, A-2E, Sector 24, Noida- 201 301 (U.P.), India, preferably in CO/E-mail cmand@cmaindia.org . It will be appreciated If material is supported by ample graphics and colour photographs. Printed by Harish Panchal and published by Harish Panchal on behalf of Cement Manufacturers' Association at 2142-47 Gurudwara Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi- 110005 and printed at M/s. Instant Offset Printers, D-42, Sector-7, Noida, UP-201301 , Mob: 9953882201 35