Cement Energy and Environment

. .., approval of DGMS, forest clearance, approval of mine closure plan, etc., are to be obtained. Wherever, mine voids are existing amendment in EC from MoEF may be obtained for exploring the mine void filling and undertaking various studies. If there are no adverse impacts, we may seek approval of MoEF & CC. Mine void filling should be based on prior detailed studies and prior permissions of DGMS, SPCB and MoEF & CC (amendments in EC for mine and thermal power projects). Suitable mitigatory measures, as suggested by the study may be stipulated by MoEF I CPCB for implementation. The studies may include: 1. Characterization of ash and lecheates studies 2. Tracer study should be carried out to examine any hydraulic connectivity between the mine pit and the ground water sources in the vicinity of the mine pit. 3. Impact assessment of ash filling on ground water resources. 4. Impact assessment of ash filling on flora and fauna 5. Testing of fly ash for trace elements and radioactivity The details of studies done so far over south Balanda I Jaganath mine voids of Odisha by several agencies have been compiled by Odisha SPCB. Further studies are in progress. CPCB may come out with necessary guidelines in this regards as recommended by EAC. 5.0 Request to MoEF: • Targets given in the gazette notification for 100 pc ash utilization may be reviewed. Targets for ash utilization may be depending on the location of power plants, total ash production and ash utilization potential available in the vicinity, etc. For power plants located near urban centers, target for ash utilization may be 70 pc. For pit head large capacity plants target for ash utilization may be 30- 50 pc. • Area of land for disposal of fly ash may be increased from the existing limit of 0.25 acre per MW. Further fresh land may be allocated for construction of new ash dykes at old plants which are still operative beyond their life span. • Consideration of Ash Mound construction developed as Eco- Park as ash utilization. • Consideration of Abandoned Ash dyke where forest cover has been created as utilization as has been done at NTPC- Korba. • Support for allocation of operating I bandoned mine for large capacity pit head power plants for back filling with ash. • Issue of guidelines for backfilling of mines and wasteland development. • Sand quarrying may be 1 anned and bottom ash should be used in place of sand within 100 km of power plant. • Use of clay bricks may be completely banned within 1 00 km of power plant. • Indian Council of Agriculture Research CIGAR) may be requested to issue guidelines for use of fly ash in agriculture. • Ministry of Finance may be requested for withdrawal of Excise Duty levied on fly ash and fly ash bricks I blocks tiles. • Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways I NHAI State Road Construction department to strictly enforce use of ash in road embankment construction in line with prov1s1ons of notification I specification within 100 km of power plant. • Construction agencies to compulsory submit annual returns regarding use of ash I ash based products to regulatory authority. Courtesy: lnfralive, March 15, 2015, Pg. No. 16-18 23