Cement Energy and Environment

if we get a good deal and we'll all lose if we get a bad deal", said Orr. Asked what if INDCs taken together failed to keep temperature rise below 2 degree celsius by 2100 from pre-industrialization levels, the UN assistant secretary-general said, "Once the countries provide their INDCs, the negotiators will see whether it's adequate or not. "We should keep in mind that these (INDCs) will be for period beyond 2020. So, there will be nearly five years from now and 2020. It would be the most important five years in the future of our planet". His remarks were made just days before countries started submitting their INDCs to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which expects all rich countries to submit their respective 'climate action plans' by month end. So far, Switzerland and European Union (group of 28 countries) have submitted their plans to the UNFCCC, detailing their emission-cut goals. Though India is expected to come out with its action plan in June, officials here felt that there are still many issues which need to be clarified before the country would submit its INDC. Articulating India's stand, country's environment and climate change minister Prakash Javadekar during his speech at African Ministerial Conference on Environment at Cairo, Egypt on Wednesday said, "As we formulate INDCs, certain issues need immediate attention. One of thosP is technology transfer along with knowhow at an affordable cost". Courtesy: Time of India. New Delhi, March 8, 2015. FLY ASH GENERATION 260 million tonnes by 2020; NTPC demands more land for disposal & banning clay bricks Coal based power plant not only generates electricity but also generates leaps of fly ash. In 2013- 14, about 173 million tonnes of ash was produced and only 57.63 per cent of this could be used in construction and land filling activities. It is estimated that a whopping 260 million tonnes of fly ash will be generated by 2020. On the direction of National Green Tribunal, recently a meeting was held in the power ministry inviting suggestions from various stakeholders with an aim to increase the utilization of ash. NTPC, whose power plants generate maximum fly ash , submitted its response in writing (extract of which is given below). 1.0 Present Ash generation & Future projection in India and NTPC In the year 2013-14 total about 172.87 million tons (rnt) ash was produced by coal based thermal power plants of India and about 99.62 mt was utilized which is about 57.63 pc of total ash production. In NTPC, about 57.83 mt ash was produced and 25.37 mt was utilized which is about 43.88 pc of total ash production. It is estimated that ash generation in India will reach to about 260 million tons by 2020 and ash production in NTPC will be about 1 million tons. The details are shown in tables- 1 & 2. 2.0 Option for gainful utilization of fly ash : Area wise present utilization of fly ash is shown in Table- 3. 4.0 Major Constraints: 4.1 Cement and concrete: Limited ash utilization potential in cement and concrete industries which is to the extent of bout 25-26 pc of total ash production in the country and reached to its optimum limit. Cement production depends on the requirement and growth of infrastructure development and therefore, fly ash uses also vary based on the above. Further, during rainy season, off take of fly ash by cement industry get considerably reduced due to low-demand, transportation problem, etc. 20 ... \