Cement Energy and Environment

I developing countries category). For this reason , Turkey did not declare a reduction commitment according to a base year and does not have an obligation to. • Turkey will have to state its national contributions within the new climate agreement framework . • In this context; the related Ministries are required to determine national contributions on transportation, housings, wastes, electricity production and industry. • Minister GOLLOCE, stated that Turkey will complete its national preparations in year 2015, and negotiations will be carried out in order to obtain an outcome for our countries best interests. Turkey will be able to Receive Financial Support Due to its special circumstances, Turkey has been conducting negotiations to receive finance , technology transfer and capacity building support in the scope of climate change campaigning. Within the framework of the decision made in the conference, the way to provide Turkey support on finance, technology transfer and capacity building at least until 2020 is opened by the developed countries. Multilateral Assessment A new mechanism is established for the purpose of evaluating the situations of developed countries on reaching their reduction targets. 14 countries conveyed approximately 250 questions to 17 developed countries about the studies conducted in order to harmonize with the em1ss1on reduction commitments via the web portal prepared. The interested countries published their answers. These answers were discussed in a separate session and it was observed that the countries have reached their targets. The Minister's Speech Minister GOLLOCE, made a speech in the Senior Session of the Conference. Minister GOLLOCE, emphasized that in order to prevent the irreversible results of climate change, it is required to cooperate and take immediate measures in the global scale. Minister GOLLOCE indicated that Turkey gives great importance to Lima and Paris Conferences and is always prepared to contribute in its best for the negotiation period to result in success. The Minister stated that, "In addition to being transparent, inclusive, fair and equitable, the agreement should absolutely take into consideration the socio-economic realities in present and the future. " Other Decisions at the Conference About 30 decisions were made on different subjects in the parallel sessions held at the Conference. The decisions made were on subjects such as: national adaptation plans. Green Climate Fund, carbon sinks, revision of greenhouse gas inventories, technology network, Kyoto Protocol mechanisms. Courtesy: Cementa Ve Beton Dunyasi, November December 2014, Pg. No. 30-32 UN OFFICIAL: PARIS MEET WILL BE A LAUNCHING PAD "Paris is not the end point. It's a launching pad", said Robert C Orr, principal policy adviser to the UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, while expressing his confidence in the commitment given by countries across the world to sign a climate deal in the French capital later this year. Orr, who was in India to take part in a series of deliberations on New Delhi's renewable energy goals, also said he was very encouraged by the effort of all stakeholders, including government, private and civil society in the country to work towards a climate deal. Amid apprehensions whether Paris pact would be strong enough to save the world from disastrous consequences of climate change, Orr, in an interview to TOI , said it won't be a deal which will be signed and then implemented once and for all. "It will have to be re-tuned and fine-tuned every single year. Countries will meet every year and explain what all they are doing to cut their emissions of greenhouse gases and this is the genius of the new regime that is taking shape", said the UN assistant secretary-general. Orr, who has been advising Ban Ki-moon on energy, food security and global health for years, during his conversations also appeared to be quite optimistic of countries' commitments in the form of their Intended National Determined Contributions (INDCs). The INDCs will form the basis of the negotiations in run up to the final climate deal. 'We don't need to look at this negotiation as a zero sum game. In fact, we can't. It is not that one part gains and another loses. In fact, we'll all gain 19