Cement Energy and Environment

Measurements of Heat Energy: Consumptions of coal, petcoke, natural gas, waste(if it's available) etc. are weighed continuously by 0..5% precision dosing scales. Data flows in automation system on-line and stored as in electricity. Heat energy is calculated as "kcar'' by multiplying the fuel con– sumption by lower heating value of fuel. Calculation of TEP: Last day of each month at 24.0.0., total kWh and kCal values which were stored in automation system are converted to TEP by using conversion factors, then these values are added to each other. Thus, the value of total energy consumption for 1 month is determined as TEP. Calculation of Tons of Cement: The production of each cement mill is weighed by means of dosing scales in terms of tons/ hour. Weighing information is both reported manually and stored in automation system. The sum of each type of cement's monthly production amount is calculated as Tons of Cement. At the end of each month, the value of 'TEP/IOG Tons of Cement" is calculated by means of dividing total monthly energy consumption as TEP to the monthly cement tonnage which is multiplied by 100. 2"d Energy Performance Indicators of Plant: kWh/ Ton CEM I At the end of month, the value of "kWh/ Ton CEM "is calculated by means of dividing total monthly electrical energy consumption for CEM I type cement by production amount of CEM I type cement. Method of Determination & Verification in Energy Performance Improvement "Operating Committee Meeting" is held the first week each month in order to examine the change in the energy performances of plant and units. Previous Month's "Business Activity Report" which was prepared by Operating Bureau and approved by Managers of Energy and Production is examined in detail. The change in each unit's energy performance indicator and reasons are analyzed numerically and graphically. Improvement in the energy performance is determined by means of comparing unit's energy performance indicators with their baselines and with monthly target values. (See Figure 5) Improvement in energy performance will be verified by a decrease in energy costs, hence a decrease in product costs for that month. If energy performance has not improved the precautions to be taken are discussed at the meeting and action plans for improvement are made. 2&00 DONER FIRIN kWhlt kllnker Figure 5. Monthly energy Consumption Target for Rotary Kiln Method and Criteria of Energy Review lmprovment Energy review study is carried out periodically every 2 years . Energy Management Team assigned by General Manager makes this study under the chairmanship of Energy Management Representative . Members of Energy Management Team; • Energy Management • Representative(Chairman) • Energy Manager certified person I persons • Mechanica l Maintenance Chief • Raw Material Chief • Clinker Production Chief • Cement Production Chief • Specialist Responsible for Environment (participates needed) • Purchasing Chief (participates needed) In addition, energy review study is partially done without waiting (or 2 years in case of significant changes of systems and processes and starting up new unit. Taking into account of such changes; objectives, targets, performance indicators and baselines are investigated, if necessary they are updated (Table 6). Summary table of Action Plan for improvement opportunities revealed by Energy Review study is given in Table 7. 14 -.