Cement Energy and Environment

Table 4. Units' 2013 Energy Consumption ENERGY CONSUMPTIONS Electricity Natural Petcoke Diesel Fuel Oil Toplam % (kWh) Gas (m 3 ) (ton) 1 (ton) (ton) (TEP) PREBLENDING 500.000 43 0,03 CRUSHER 2.000.000 172 0,12 RAW MILLS 50.000.000 4300 2,90 ROTARY KILNS 45.000.000 800.000 165.000 6.500 125 123.290 89,25 COAL MILLS 9.000.000 774 0,52 CEMENT MILLS 75.000.000 225.000 8306 6,0 TOTAL 177.500.000 1.25.000 165.000 6.500 125 136.541 98,8 CLOSED CLINKER 600.00 51 ,6 0,04 STOCKHALL PACKAGING 1.150.000 98,9 0,08 ADDITIVE DRYING 160.000 13,7 O,Q1 SOCIAL FACILITIES 500.000 '101 0,08 LIGHTING 550.000 47,3 0,04 ELECTRICITY LOSES 2.900.000 249.4 0,19 ERECTION & 600.000 81 ,6 0,06 MAINTENANCE TOTAL 17.520.000 1.595 1,2 TOTAL ENERGY 195.020.000 1.025.000 165.000 6.500 125 138.136 100 CONSUMPTION 1 2. Legal & Other Requirements • System Connection & System Use Agreements with TEiAS • Presence of Electrical Engineer • Subscription contract distribution company with electricity • Declaring annual energy consumption and energy production (if it is available) • Permission for alternative fuels(waste) incineration • Sulphure rate in fuel • Energy Benchmarking study • To fill out questionnaires of the Ministries concerned and TuiK • Permission for fuel import • Reactive Energy I Active Energy ratio • Requirements of Energy Efficiency Law, No.5627 • Presence of Energy Manager and creating Energy Management Team • Requirements of Strategy Document for Energy Efficiency • Rates of harmonic distortion for voltage and current • Sustainability Report Commitments of group which our company belongs to • Energy reporting and benchmarking studies of group which our company belongs to Energy Performance Indicator & Energy Baseline The criteria for determination of Energy Performance Indicators is to choose such values that they should represent energy performances of plant & units and they can be measured and monitored. The method for determination of Energy Baselines is to get average of at least past four years' Energy Performance Indicators. Energy Performance Indicators and Energy Baselines are reviewed in "Energy Management Meeting" in each 3 months and in 'Assessment of Management Review': These values ere updated in case of important changes of energy use and energy consumptions. Two energy performance indicators and two energy baselines were defined for this plant, besides energy performance indicators and energy 12