Cement Energy and Environment

2023", published in the Official Gazette with no. and date of 28215 and 25 Feb. 2012. Having that document is also a requirement of "Regulation about the Changes in the Regulation for the Increase of Efficiency in Energy Sources and Energy Use" published in the Official Gazette with no. and date of 28952 and 25 April 2014" in order to participate in energy efficiency projects competition and to receive states financial supports. It is expected to be compulsory of having the document of ISO 50001 EMS Standard in all transactions related to state in the near future. 2. The Status of Energy and Efficiency in the World and in Turkey Energy demand is constantly increasing in the World where the energy resources are limited. Annual growth rate of energy demand in the World(%1,6) is double of annual population growth rate(%0,8) in the World. Annual growth rate of energy demand is four times of annual population growth rate in Turkey. lt'is foreseen that 2/3 of the potential of energy efficiency will not be used until the year of 2035. Turkey imports 3/4 of energy resources, but still we waste energy [2]. According to the Energy Ministry datas of 2012, the amount of energy supplied is 120,1 Million TEP but, the amount of energy demanded is 89 Million TEP It means that more than 1/4 of supplied energy was not used and wasted m. Energy intensity which is the most important indicator of energy efficiency is very high in Turkey. Turkey's energy intensity value is 1,5-2 times of energy intensity values in developed countries [1] . Approximately 80% of current account deficit caused by energy imports should also be noted. The biggest remedy to meet energy demand is to use energy more efficiently in the World and especially in Turkey, because energy resources are limited and energy demand is constantly increasing. It is needed to manage energy better in order to use energy efficiently. Therefore, ISO 50001 EMS Standard is a gu- iding manual. 3. ISO 50001 EMS Saves Money From the Moment of Implementation Unlike other management systems, ISO 50001 EMS reduces the costs of energy and production from the moment of implementation. In particular, ISO 50001 EMS is utmost important for the cement industry in which the energy costs are 50- 70% of product costs. In addition to the abovementioned facts, other main benefits of ISO 50001 EMS is listed below: • Energy efficiency • Optimal use of resources • Contribution to the environment • Decrease of costs • Continuous improvement • Wide monitoring and control of all activities • Being result- oriented • Low documentation • Customer confidence • Healthy flow of information Energy Planning Process Editing Energy Plann ing Process wh ich is almost backbone of the ISO 50001 EMS Standard by taking into consideration of the processes of cement industry, significant energy uses and variables affecting energy use is very important for the successful resu lts of/50 5000 1 EMS Standard. An Example of an Energy Planning Study A fictitious energy planning process is made here as an application in accordance with the standard's terms and conditions. The energy and fuel consumption of an integrated cement plant in this case study is presented in Table 1. Moreover, the units' specific energy consumption as past and current values are also provided in Tables 2 and 3. 9