Cement Energy and Environment

Figure A2: Photomicrographs of sample S-1 6 showing clearly defined lenticular (elongated) alite crystals (seen in A, B). Sample S-16 is having Bond Index of 16.64 KWh!T. SO!Jm (A) (B) Figure A3: Photomicrographs of sample S-7 showing some elongated alite crystals in addition to poorly defined alite crystals (i.e. not having sharp boundaries) in B and presence of belite crystals deviating considerably from roundish geometry and hazy boundaries as seen in A . This sample is having Bond Index of 12.30 KWh!TA. (A) (B) Figure A4: Photomicrographs of sample S-3 showing smaller but well defined alite crystals in A & B. The sample is found to be having lowest Bond Index value of 11.02 KWh!T. 6 .). '