Cement, Energy and Environment

societal impact, could possibly qualify as a CSR activity. Director General, IICA, while clarifying some of the issues raised by the panelists me ntioned that the new Act allows for a greater flexibility for planning initiatives that go beyond the traditional approach to CSR. Leadership Climate Summit to present "big ideas" of CSJ, further to also consider for CSI to build up its communications around climate change towards COP21 in Paris in 2015; (iii) CSI Communication Partner meeting 2014 to be held on 15 1 h September this year before the CSI Executive Director, liP, offered to play the role Forum meetings in Cartagena, Colombia, with of a catalyst for promoting partnership between the theme 'biodiversity' chosen this time; (iv) {) Industry, Govt. and the society in taking advantage of the opportunities and in dealing with the possible challenges under the new CSR Act. The Panel d iscussion can be viewed at: http://bit.ly/ldVicTa. CMA AS CSI COMMUNICATION PARTNER Following the CSI Partners' meeting and the CSI Annual Forum held in Vancouver, Canada in September-October last year, the Cement Sustainability Initiative(CSI)-WBCSD organised its Mee ting of Task Force matching a TF6 member to each key focus area to guide for TF6 liaison so they can better understand the scope of this role and what kind of deliverabies are expected; (v) identifying tr igger points for communications and explo ring ways to amplify the efforts of CSI, at which Ms Sunita Pendse of Ultra Tech suggested to request all communications sent to CEOs be also forwarded to TF6 Members as it would be very helpful to ensure prompt dissemination of CSI information within the Member companies through internal channels. 6(Communi cations) for the first time Mr Philippe Fonta of CSI presented an outside Europe , in Mumbai on 25th February 2014, a nd 26th Februa r y 2014. The meeting was chaired by Ms Sunita Pendse of Ultra Tech, and co-chaired by Mr Philippe Fanta of CSI. Representatives from our Member Cement compan ies, namely, Dalmia Cement Bharat Ltd, Heidelberg Cement India, My Home Industries, Zuari Cement, besides ACC and Ambuja Cements participated in the meeting. Overseas representatives of CRH, Italcementi, La farge, Taiheiyo Cement, IMS a lso participated in the meeting. CMA was represented by Dr S K Handoo, Advisor(Technical), and Shri S V Joshi , jt Secretary(Mumbai). The meeting discussed key action items i n 2014, namely, (i) 2 rounds of one-to-one session with stakeholders/key media to be held in India, and another round in Europe later in the year; (ii) key external event(s) for CSI presence through WBCSD event at the UN overview of the diffe r e nt work areas of the CSI while Ms Sunita Pendse of Ultra Tech supplemented a bout TF6, s pecifically on the role of a TF6 member. In order to increase the awareness level about the CSI within companies, it was suggested to produce a list of tools and resources as a handy reference for compames. Dr S K Handoo, Advisor(Technical), CMA, presented the ch a llenges and opportunities of the Indian Cement Industry. Highlighting the importance of CSI's participation and prominent presence in key local events, it was suggested that CSI should also expl ore opportunities to be featured as the voice of the cement and concrete sector in key environmental events to raise the profile of the CSI and to establish a seat for the cement industry's presence in the discussion.