Cement, Energy and Environment

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FORESTS RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 2342 TO BE ANSWERED ON 13.02.2014 Funds for promotion of forests in the States 2342. Shri Aayanur Manjunatha: Will the Minister of Environment and Forests be pleased to state that: (a) the total area of forest cover in hectares along with the total geographical area as well as the percentage of forest cover in the country, State-wise; (b) whether Government proposes to launch a new initiat ive to expand forest cover in the country; if so, the details thereof, State-wise; and (c) the scheme-wise details of the funds provided by Government for conservation, development and promotion of forests in the States including Karnataka during the last three years and the current year, State and year-wise? Answer MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (DR. M. VEERAPPA MOILY) (a) (b) The total forest cover of the country is 69,202,700 hectare which is 21.05% of the geographical area. The details of State– wise forest cover in the country is given in Annexure-!. The Ministry has initiated Green Ind ia Mission that aims to increase forest and tree cover on 5 million hectare area and to improve quality of forest cover on another 5 million hectare area as well as to improve ecosystem services, forest based livelihood and enhance carbon sequestration. An amount of Rs. 49.95 crores was released to 21 States for carrying out preparatory activities like outreach activities , micro planning, nursery development, landscape survey, entry point activities and soil moisture conservation etc. in the identified landscapes under the Green India Mission (c) during 2011-12. The State wise details are given in Annexure II. Afforestation in the country is taken up under various Centrally Sponsored Schemes such as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP), National Bamboo Mission (NBM), 13th Finance Commission and also under different State Plan/ Non- Plan Schemes including externally aided projects. National Afforestation Programme (NAP) of the Ministry of Environment & Forests is a 100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme for afforestation and tree plantation and eco– restoration of degraded forests and adjoining areas in the country. The Scheme is being implemented through a decentralized mechanism of State Forest Development Agency (SFDA) at State level, Forest Development Agency (FDA) at Forest Division level and Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMCs) at Village levels. An amount of Rs.2500 crores has been approved for NAP in the 12th Five Year Plan. The details of amount released during last three years from 2010- 11 to 2012-13 and current year under NAP are given in Annexure Ill. The Ministry provides financial assistance to the State Forest Departments under a Centrally Sponsored Scheme 'Intensification of Forest Management' to strengthen their forest protection machinery by way of infrastructure development, use of modern technology, improved mobility by way of deployment of new field vehicles improved communication and providing arms ammunition to the front-line forestry force. This infrastructural support provided to all State/UT Governments help them in creation of boundary pillars and demarcation of forest areas. The details of funds released to States including Karnataka under the Scheme during the last three years and current year is given in Annexure IV.