Cement, Energy and Environment

I I (a)&(b) A study by INCCA (Indian Network on Climate Change Assessment) titled "Climate Change and India: A 4x4 Assessment- Regional and Sectoral Analysis for 2030s", was published in the year 2010. The report provides an assessment of impact of climate change in 2030s on four key sectors of the Indian economy, namely Agriculture, Water, Natural Ecosystems & Biodiversity and Health in four climate sensitive regions of India, namely the Himalayan region, the Western Ghats, the Coastal Area and the North-East Region. Further the report indicates the impact of climate change on forests including shifts in forest type boundary, change in net primary productivity and biomass and carbon accumulation rates. However, there is no specific study indicating that phenomenal shifts in forests is endangering biodiversity and causing regional climate change/dynamics in the country. (c) Some important steps taken by the Government for conservation of biological diversity inter-alia include: survey and inventorisation of floral and faunal resources; assessment of forest cover to develop an accurate database for planning and monitoring; establishment of a Protected Area network of National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Conservation and Community Reserves; designating Biosphere Reserves for conservation of representative ecosystems; species oriented programmes, such as Project Tiger and Project Elephant, complemented with ex-situ conservation efforts. In addition , Biological Diversity Act 2002 and Rules thereunder aim to conserve biological resources of the country and regulation of access to these resources to ensure equitable sharing of benefits arising out of thei r use. A National Biodiversity Authority and State Biodiversity Boards have been set up for implementing the provisions of the Act. ******* GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FORESTS LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 2552 TO BE ANSWERED ON 06.02 .2014 Per Capita Power Consumption 2552. Shri Jagada Nand Singh Will the Minister of Power be pleased to state : (a) the per capita power consumption in various States during each of the last three years, State-wise; (b) the reasons for disparity in per capita power consumption in various States; (c) whether the unequal per capita power consumption by various regions in the country is leading to regional imbalance; (d) if so, the details thereof; and (e) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to remove the dispari ty in per capita power consumption amongst the States? Answer THE MINISTER OF STATE (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) OF THE MINISTRY OF POWER (SHRI JYOTIRADITYA M. SCINDIA) (a) The per capita electricity consumption in various States/UTs during the year 2009- 10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 are given at Annex. (b) The disparity in per capita electricity consumption in various States is generally due to large variation in population and consumer mix in States I UTs. (c)&(d) No, Madam, the unequal per capita power consumption by various regions in the country is not leading to regional imbalance. (e) One of the steps to increase the per capita consumption is to increase the generation capacity. Generation capacity addition target during 12th Five Year Plan is 88,537 MW from conventional sources on all India basis. With this level of capacity addition , the demand for power on all-India basis is likely to be met by the terminal year of 12th Five Year Plan. Government has advised the states to tie up for procurement of power to meet their demand, in accordance with their anticipated demand supply scenario. To strengthen the distribution sector, schemes like Rajeev Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY), Restructured-Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (R-APDRP) and Financial Restructuring Plan (FRP) for Distribution Companies have been undertaken by the Government of India.