Cement, Energy and Environment

integrity and holistic development of the Western Ghats in view of their rich and unique biodiversity. The HLWG submitted its report to the Minis try of Environment and Forests (MoEF) on 15th April 2013 and it was thereafter put in public domain by hosting on the Ministry's website. The Ministry has accepted the High Level Working Group (HLWG) Report " in principle" subject to certain stipu lations vide Office Memorandum (OM) of the Ministry dated 16th November 2013. A copy of this OM is annexed as Annexure I. (b)&(c) Some protests have been reported in the State of Kerala with respect to the acceptance of the HLWG recommendations. As explained in the OM at Annexure I, the HLWG has recommended prohibition of onl y highly interventionist and environmentally damaging activities like mining and polluting industries to conserve the natural landscape of Western Ghats. The recommendations given by the HLWG do not put any fresh restrictions on land use and agriculture in the Ecologically Sensitive Area as identified by the HLWG, neither do they in any way impact the continued occupation of land in possession of the local people and affect their day to day activities and normal livelihood. No-1-4/2012-RE (pt.) Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forests OFFICE MEMORANDUM Annexure - I Paryavaran Bhavan CGO Compelex Lodi Road New Delhi- 110 003 Dated: 16th November 2013 Sub: High Level Working Group Report on Western Ghat s -reg. 1. The Ministry of Environment and Forests had constituted a High Level Working Group (HLWG) under the Chairmanship of Dr. K Kasturirangan, Member (Science). Planning Commission vide office order dated 17.8.2012 in order to study and make recommendations on how to protect, preserve and nurture the rich biodiversity and environmental integrity of the Western Ghats and suggest steps and the way forward to prevent further degradation or the fragile ecology of the Western Ghats. The HLWG was also tasked with the mandate to take a holistic view of the issue and to bring synergy between protection of environment and biodiversity and the imperatives of equity for the indigenous residents of the Western Ghats area, particularly disadvantaged sections of society, so that their rightful, aspirations for inclusive growth and sustainable development are also protected and addressed. 2. The HLWG submitted its report to the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) on 15th April 2013 and it was thereafter put in public domain by hosting on the MoEF website, and also disseminated to all stakeholders including the six Western Ghat States for feed back and comments. All stakeholders were also invited to offer their views on the HLWG report . Thereafter on completion, of a transparent process, the MoEF has taken the following view on the HLWG report: The Ministry has accepted the HLWG report "in -principle" subject to the fo llowing: (i) (i i) (i ii) (iv) (v) (vi) The defi nition of the extent of the Western Ghats as demarcated by the HLWG is accepted The Ecologically Sensitive Area (ESA) as identified and delineated by the HLWG in Western Ghats is accepted The HLWG has identified approximately 37% of the Western Ghats as ecologically sensitive. The identified Ecologically Sensitive Area covers about 60,000 sq. km. Of natural landscape of Western Ghats and represents a continuous band of natural vegetation extending over a horizontal distance of 1,500 km. The Ecologically Sensitive Area is spread across six states of Western Ghats region viz. Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka , Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The ESA also includes Protected Areas and World Heritage Sites of Western Ghats. The recommendations of the HLWG to completely ban mining, quarrying and sand mining as also thermal power plants and Red category of industries in the Ecologically Sensitive Area also accepted. H dro Power being a relatively clean source of energy has been recommended to be all~wed in the ESA b: the HLWG subject to stringent conditions. This recommendatron rs accepted by the Mlmstry. . 'tied in the Ecological ly Sensitive Area subject to applicable regulations. Wind energy rs permr