Cement, Energy and Environment

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FORESTS RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 802 TO BE ANSWERED ON 12 . 12 .201 3 Funds earmarked to reduce the pollution 802. Shri Y. S. Chowdary: Will the Minister of Environment and Forests be pleased to state: (a) the details of funds earmarked by the Ministry to reduce the pollution in Yamuna during the last three years; (b) the details of amount spent during the last three years; and (c) whether Government is satisfied with the result achieved so far and if not, the steps taken by Government in this regard ? An swer MINISTER OF STATE (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) FOR ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (SHRIMATI JAYANTHI NATARAJAN) (a)to(c) Conservation of rivers is an ongoing and collective effort of the Central and State Governments. The Ministry 1s supplementing the efforts of the State Governments in addressing the problem of pollution of river Yamuna by providing financial assistance to Uttar Pradesh , Delhi and Haryana under Yamuna Action Plan (YAP) since 1993 in a phased manner. A total expenditure of Rs. 1453.17 crore (including State share) has been incurred on schemes pertaining to sewerage/interception and diversion of drains, sewage treatment plants (STPs), low cost sanitation/community toilet complexes, electric/improved wood crematoria, etc under YAP Phase-1 & II in the three States. Further, YAP Phase - Ill project for Delhi has been approved with an estimated cost of Rs 1656 crore. Besides this, two projects have also been sanctioned by the Ministry under National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) with at an estimated cost of Rs. 217.87 crore for taking up works for pollution abatement of river Yamuna in towns of Sonepat and Panipat in Haryana. The details of fund released by this Ministr-y during the last three years for conservation of river Yamuna under YAP and expenditure incurred by the States is as under:- Year 2010-201 1 2011 - 2012 2012-2013 Fund released 111.49 49.06 41.83 (Rs. Crore) Expenditure incurred, including State Share (Rs. ~rore) 198.64 125.18 80.03 In addition, State Governments are also accessing financial assistance for creation of sewerage infrastructure, including setting up of STPs in various towns under Central sector schemes like JNNURM (Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission) and UIDSSMT (Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns) of Ministry of Urban Development. The water quality of river Yamuna has not shown the desired improvement due to large gap between the sewage generation and availability of sewage treatment capacity and lack of fresh water in the river ******* GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FORESTS RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 801 TO BE ANSWERED ON 12. 12.2013 Thick fog due to fire-crackers after Diwali 801. Shri Jai Prakash Narayan Singh: Shri Salim Ansari : Will the Minister of Environment and Forests be pleased to state: (a) whether it is fact that every year after Diwali, the National Capital of Delhi is covered by spell of thick fog due to fire-crackers increasing significantly the air pollution level, if so, complete details in this regard; (b) whether fluctuating and polluted whether condition after Diwali cause severe health hazards that harm throat track and cause breathing problems, etc.; and (c) if so, the steps Government proposes to take to ban the bursting of crackers in Delhi? Answer MINISTER OF STATE (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) FOR ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS (SHRIMATI JAYANTHI NATARAJAN) (a) Ambient air quality in Delhi is monitored by the Central Pollut ion Control Board (CPCB), Delhi Pollution Control Board, Indian Institute of