Cement, Energy and Environment

Workshops to apprise the DCs in the Cement Secto r, State Designated Agencies a nd Accredite d Energy Auditors, of the Form I and Normalisation Fa ctors being arrived at for the Ceme nt sector towar ds impleme ntation of t he PAT Scheme . ENVIRONMENT ISSUES Sub-Group Environment Meeting of CMA Technical Committee held at Jaipur on 3rd Janua ry 2014. CMA organised a meeting of the Environment Sub-Group of its Technical Committee a t Jaipur on 3rc1 Janua ry 2014, that was address ed by th e Member Secretary o f Rajasthan Sta te Po llution Control Board, Shri D N Pandey. Apprecia ting the industry's e fforts on was te u t ilisation, powe r ge nera tion through r ecovery o f waste heat from exhaus t gases of cement kiln systems, env ironme ntal protection, CSR activities, e tc, Member Secreta ry offe red his support for CMA in dealing with issues like the emerging NOx emission s ta ndards and others. Fur·ther, MoEF called a stakehold ers ' mee ting on 30th ja nuary 2014 to d iscuss the newly emerging Emission Standards for Cement Industry, before taking a final decision on the CPCB proposal on NOx, SOz emiss ion s tandards and Loa d based s ta nda rds fo r Pa rticula te Matte r(PM) that were a rrived at a nd firmed up in the 8th Meet ing of reconsti tuted Expe r t Committee to evolve Envi ronme ntal Standards he ld on 8th February 2013 at Paryavaran Bhavan(MoEF) . CMA a longwith re presentatives from five Membe r Cement companies part icipated in the meeting a longwi t h other expe rts ca lled by the Ministry. During the d is cussions, indus try represen tatives re iterated the practical difficulties in meeting the NOx, PM limi ts be ing proposed due to vari eties of reasons ra nging from the availability a nd quali ty of the input raw materials/fue l to t he seve re layout constra ints in th e existing p la nts besides t he ina bi lity of t he eq uipment ------- manufacturers to gu rantee NOx emission level below 800 mg/Nm3 even for the new plants . Based on the discussions held and the difficul t ies the indus try placed before the Authorities, CMA sen t a representation to MoEF covering the maj or issues. In r egard to the newly emerging Environmental Standards for the Cement sector in case of Limestone Mining, CPCB conve ned a meeting of stakeholders on 30 111 January 2014, where ClMFR, Dha nbad made a prese ntation on th e findings of thei r consolidated study cove ring the a dditional five p la nt mines as propose d by th e industry. CMA pa rticipated in the meeting alongwith the re prese ntatives fr om Membe r Cement compa nies a nd a pprised the Authoriti es of the s peci fi c cons traints, name ly, sca rcity o f water for prevent ion and control of emissions vis-a– vis the increasing pressure for water conservation on the other hand, e tc not a llowing t he pla nts to meet the fugi tive emiss ion standar ds for limestone mini ng being proposed. As a follow-up, CMA wrote to CPCB that the proposed activitywise fugi tive emission s tanda rds for PM 10 a nd PM 2 .s in limestone mining be relaxed to 1200 J.tgfm3 a nd 750 J.tg/m3 res pective ly, to begin wi th. Th e next in teraction with CPCB on the developme nt of t hese s tandards is likely to be held at the Peer & Core Expe rt Group Meeting to cons ide r the recommendations furthe r. CEO ROUNDTABLE ON CSR SECTOR IN LIGHT OF COMPANIES ACT, 2013 FOR CEMENT SECTION-135, A Google Pa nel Discussion on Corporate Socia l Respons ibi lity fo r Cement Sector in light of Section 135 of t he New Compa n ies Act 2013, was held on 1 3 111 March 2014. The Pane l Discussion was organize d by Institute fo r Indus trial Productiv ity(IJP), an organization dedicated to promoting sus tainab le industrial development 111 partnership with Indian