Cement, Energy and Environment

Maldives Maldives, the least populated country in Asia (316 ,000) reported 2283 kWh per capita consumption. Renewables played a negligible part in the energy profile of Maldives in 2009, with solar being the biggest contributor. Maldives hopes to Fl6. 7: Electricity Use Per Capita for 2009 llml 1755 2283 ZIDI ()L------------------------- World Chi na China, with a population of 1,345.4 million , the most populated country in the world, has a per capita consumption of 2,650 kWh. In 2009 11.9 per cent of the total primary energy supply, 17.1 per cent of electricity generation, 24.3 of electric ity generate 50 per cent electricity from renewables by 2015; 60 per cent electricity from solar by 2020; and carbon neutrality in the energy sector by 2020. Solar is the highest contributor to the energy profile. Policy interventions for renewable energy began in 2004. AS. 8: Total Primary Energy Supply• in 2000 and 2009 Salid liofuels Solar Solid biofueis Solar W'nl 0.3 per CHI 0.1 perCHI 0.1per ceat 0.1 0.01 p11 em 2000:7.1 PJ oa l 100ptrCHI •excluding electricity trade 200'UUPJ capacity came from renewables. The contribution of renewable sources in energy production is 'high' . China has had policies to promote renewable energy since the Rio Conference, beginning with the Brightness Programme in 1996. A&. f: EltttricityUse Per Capita lor 2009 A&. 11: Total Primary Energy Suppty• in 211110 and 211119 Salar 0.1 permt ,_ Soil bio'-ls Bitt• 17 pl1 tall 0.1 pl1 tall - .. "" ... " - ~ • ... ..,. ~ - 2a • Cowtesy: 3247 1755 Hydn 2 per ceal llucllw Akshay Urja, December 2013, Pg. No.33-35 ADANI POWER BECOMES INDIA' S LARGEST PRIVATE POWER PRODUCER Adani Power, which overtook Tata Power as the nation's largest private-sector electricity producer, plans to go slow on capacity addition as uncertainties over fuel supply, weak financial health of state distributors and delays in environmental approvals prevent power companies from announcing new projects. Adani Power on Thursday commissioned the fourth 660 mw unit of its Tiroda project in Maharashtra, which took the Gujarat-based company's total installed capacity to 8,620 mw. Tata Power has installed capacity of 8,560 mw. Tata Power also has 1,000 mw in advance stage of commissioning and is considering 849.2 mw of projects based on wind , solar, hydro and gas energy in India and overseas. Adani Power has accounted for 15% of the 17,000 mw of capacity added by developers in India during 201 3-14. The company is hopeful of maintaining its leadership position in the sector •