Cement, Energy and Environment

-<> • .. giant BP. However, the energy demand growth will slow down in the future, from 2.2 percent each year between 2005 and 2015, to 1.7 percent per year in 2015-2025, and then just 1.1 percent in the final decade, said the BP annual report for Energy Outlook 2035 released recently. The report also said that gas will overtake oil as the main source of energy in member countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) by 2031, with the increase of production of cheap shale gas. The report said global demand for natural gas will grow by 1.9 percent annually over the period to 2035, to reaching 497 bill ion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) by 2035, with non-OECD growth at 2.7 percent per year, outpacing the OECD at 1 percent per year. Courtesy: Total Energy, Jan-Feb 14, Pp. 10 .. ' Renewable Energy - - ~ • -- • j• RENEWABLE ENERGY AT A GLANCE Renewable Energy Programme/ Systems Cumulative deployment of various renewable energy systems/ devices in the country as on 31/08/2013 Target For 2013-14 Deployment During July, 2013 Total Deployement In 2013-14 I. POWER FROM RENEWABLES A. GRID-INTERACTIVE POWER (CAPAGITIES IN MW) Wind power 2500 118.00 726.20 Small Hydro Power 300 5.00 79.50 Biomass Power 105 cogeneration 300 Waste to power-urban- 20 3.00 3.00 industrial Solar Power 1100 129.84 284.00 Cumulative Achelvement Upto 31 .07.2013 19779.15 3711 .75 1264.80 2337.43 99.08 1968.84 Total I 4325 I 255.84 ! 1092.70 j 29161 .05 Wind Power-Urban Industry Biomass (non-bagasse) cogeneration Biomass Gasifiers-Rura l -Industrial ----- Aero-Generators/ Hybrid systems SPV systems (> 1 kW) Water mills/ micro hydel Bio-gas based energy system B. OFF-GRID/GAPTIVE POWER (CAPACITIES IN MWEQ) • 10.00 80.00 - 15.69 t- 1.00 0.032 0.132 1- - -- - 9.00 0.50 1.80 1.00 - 0.03 40.00 - 7.19 500 Nos. - - 1-- 2 - - 11 .57 486.84 16.924 - -- 143.38 2.14 131.86 10.65 (2131 nos) - Total I 143.00 I 0.532 J 24.84 I 907.36 11. REMOTTE VILLAGE ELECTRIFICATION No. of Remote Village/ Hamlets provided with RE systems 111.0THER RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS Family Biogas Plants (No. in 1.10 Lakhs) Solar Water Healing-Coli. Areas (Million m2) Courtesy: 0.60 Akshay Urja, August 2013. Pg. No. 52 - - - 0.06 0.06 46.55 0.09 0.16 7.16 ·- -