Cement, Energy and Environment

Overall View of Solar-PV PowerP/ant Our Experience on the unit Generation for the month of Aug-2013 Total Unit Generation : 190000 Units (Lower side due to 20 Days Rain Clouds) Highest Generation in a day : 10377 Units (This will be average generation when no clouds) Minimum Generation in a day : 1932 Units (Full day is raining) Daily Generation : SATNA SOLAR POWER PLANT 12000 .-------------------------------~~------------------------------------------ lOOOO +------E-------0>-----------------~ ·0 N .... to 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Ql) Ol) Di) Di) aD aD liD ::J ::J ::J :J :J :J :J ~ 'f 'f 'f <( <( <( • • • .... N ttl "' l1l II) ..... aD 00 <>:1 :J :J ::> <( <( <( • • • co 0'1 0 rl oD :J <( • .... .... N 1.!) tJ') ..... 0 0 ·00 co Di) 0!1 ::J :J 'f <( • N t1l .... .... "' 0 .... 00 ::> <( • ... M Advantages of Captive REC Solar Power plant Basics of Assumption : ... N 0'1 "' Ol) :J 'f 1.1) .... ID 00 U'l 0 co co "' Ul 0 <D N co "' "' oD liD liD QO 110 Cil QO liD 0.0 00 00 co 00 00 00 00 :J ::J :J :J :J :J :J :J :J :J :J :J :J ::J :J :J <( 'f 'f <( 'f 'f <( <( 'f <f. <( <( <( <( <( 'f • • • • • • • • • 0 II) ..... co en 0 .... "' t1l "' "' 1.!) ..... co en .... .... .... .... .... "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' ...., t1l There is stiff increase of power cost due to increasing trend of fuel cost. The power tariff is increasing at more than 10% per year rate. But for projection, we have considered only 5% increase in power cosUyear. Similarly, REC price at lEX is of the order of 12000/REC ( Rs 12.0/unit). But for calculation we have considered Rs 11 .3/unit up to 2016-17, Rs 8.0 /unit up to 2019-20, Rs 4.0 up to 2022-23 and No REC after 2023-24 .