Cement, Energy and Environment

Jaoalpur 4 .18 5.18 5.98 6.61 6.56 5.25 4 .1 3.55 4.34 5.06 4 .62 Rewa 4 .01 4 .94 5.82 6.26 6.47 5 .36 4 .35 3.99 4 .29 4.84 4.33 Sagar 4.43 5.2 5 .95 6.46 6.33 5.3 4.08 3 .56 4 .46 5.06 4.53 Satna 4.02 4 .96 5 .8 6 .37 6.5 5 .33 4 .33 3.85 4.32 4 .96 4 .35 Steps to be followed for setting up of Solar Power plant Step-1 Accreditation : State Government Step-2 Registration : Central Government Step-3 Issuance : Central Government Step-4 Trade & Redemption : Power Exchange - Trade and Redemptions Procedure Renewable Energy Generation report. 4.1 4 .96 3.86 4.88 4.13 4.96 3 .89 4 .89 Central Agency to Issue the REC to the eligible Entities within 15 days from the date of application. Validity of REC : 2 Year (earlier only 1 Year) : Bidding through power exchange. M/s BCl s PVPROJECT Owner Cent ral AJency Vtttfica tt on Condtttons (By 13·10) A : Conlirm• tio11 :0 OfRECvohctty& : ~ q u~ntlty I 1 (by16 00) I I : I I "' Ollar for S~l<> U ·OO to 15:00 hrs Power 8 Exchen11(s) ; I lntim3tiof\ ofTrod e re sultJ For btin ~ulshin~ REC t 1";\ (By 17:00) : \J .., l Centre! Aaency Btd for Purchase U :OO to 15:00 ® Ma,lcet Cle~r21nco (Vo lume & Price) 8 · - R•ports J Obll11ted Entity / Buyer