Cement, Energy and Environment

- wheeling charges, banking facility benefit and waiver of e lectri city duty. Renewal Energy obligation For Birla Corporation Year • CPPs for participating in the REC scheme shall not apply if the benefits given to such CPPs in the form of concessional transmission or wheeling charges, banking facility benefit and waiver of electricity duty are withdrawn by the State Electricity Regulatory Commission and/or the State Government Unit Consumption (MWH) 2013-14 232017 MWH 2014-15 2320~4 MWH Solar RPOby MPERC 0.8% 1.0% Solar Units Requirement 18562 MWH 23201 MWH To meet above requirement we have installed 1.5 MW Solar PV Power Plant as CPP at Satna Unit in the year 2013-14 & commissioned on 2"d July, 2013. Birla Corporation Unit: Satna Cement Works, Satna, have RPO on 27 MW TPP (CPP) units generation & Units purchased from lEX under the Gazette Notification Dtd. 9 1 h November, 2010 by MPERC. Following are the RPO for our Satna Units. Fortunately, majority of cement clusters are situated receiving fai rl y high solar insolation with 300 clear days per year that encourages installation of solar power plants. - - r. T'r1v•rx:trvm i ... . . .o - a.o - a.o 'i! T.a - • .o 7 0 - 711 - ... UJ I LAI-e.o 5.5- •.o ~ 5.0-5.5 ~ .c.s - 5.0 4.0 - 4 .11 U-4.0 j 3.0 - 3 .5 2.5-10 2.0 . 2.11 .; <Z I 280.000 1!60.000 India Solar Resource D irect N o rma l Solar- Resource Thos ntap d a pocts model estimates ot "nnul'll I'IV<>rage direct norm;tl irrctdidOl..·t= (ONI) d l 10 km rc~luliun lkt~t:d un huurl r t:::.>t.irndh:~ uf r;'ldi:>tion over 7 yc:>"' (2002· 2008). T h e inputs '"" vi::ibl e im:.gcry fro n1 geo$t. ... , t ion.ary s.t\t~llites, .aeroso l opt ical d E-pt h, w ;\t er v;epor. r ~ 41 11\J VZOIUJ, r otn • (C.~t11l) .;- . • .......-_V."\'-ana_.i .....,... .... ... ,_.. r t ~capttall I • '>. Kolt..tio (C.plb l ) e r-"' ..., "' • . _._.. Haoour (a potal) • J ~ Bll u.;..,.;llwar (CApita l ) • J I I I I I 0 100 ZOO :lOG CIO... H I • >heranol ( C.pltel) Sololr Energy Centre RoeOIINCI ~nd Af'CD (.......) I ~.000 1 .120.000 1.400.000 • lCapit.,IJ i(tph4ol (C.pltel) ~ • • ~ . Po rt el~lr ( C.p lbl) • . ' ".it !JNRE~