Cement, Energy and Environment

I' I SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE CONCRETE ROADS FIND PREFERENCE IN TURKEY TOO The Advantages of Concrete Roads: Long lifetime: They have long service life because of their durability, resistance to environmental effects and heavy loads: Their useful life may range from a minimum of 20-30 years to 40-50 years. Less traffic jams from road construction: Minimum maintenance requirement causes fewer traffic congestions. More economical: Even if it is considered that concrete roads have the same initial construction costs with asphalt roads, all the costs during their lifetime are less than those for the asphalt roads. While asphalt, an imported product, cement, being the composition of clay and lime, is a domestic product. The simplicity of the construction in every season: The seasons for the construction and maintenance of asphalt roads are limited, on the other hand, the concrete road construction is possible in almost every season of the year. Less energy consumption, more aesthetic: Concrete roads require less lighting energy due to their light colour and good night vision. There is no excessive heating caused by asphalt in summer days. Also, if required, there are aesthetical alternative such as applying various colours and designs over the surface. Comfort in driving and safety: Driving on concrete roads is safer since their surface is always even and rigid with shorter braking distance. There are no surface deformations where the rain water may accumulate causing difficulty in vehicle control. Eco-friendly: There are some negative effects of asphalt roads such as; cancerogenous emissions arising while heating bitumen during construction, heat treatment causing energy consumption, ... etc. In existing asphalt roads, some harmful chemical elements interfuse to the air based on the aging effect. Such risks and environmental hazards do not exist in concrete. The rigid structure of concrete roads decreases the fuel consumption of the heavy vehicles since their wheels do not sink into the soft surface as the case in asphalt roads. The best solution for the old or damaged asphalt roads: Research and experience have shown that, constructing a thin concrete layer over the old or damaged asphalt provide a satisfactory solution especially in intersections and bus lanes. Good response to seasonal temperature changes: Concrete roads do not melt in summer time and they tolerate damaging deicing salts in winter when properly built. Altogether 22 journalists participated in the inspection tour to Afyonkarahisar. Their positive observations on concrete road appeared in the articles published in their newspapers. Even one daily newspaper carried a survey for the public in its internet page to choose between concrete and asphalt roads. The result was in favour of the concrete road by a very large margin. Courtesy: Cement and Concrete World, September-October 2009, Pp51-52. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT UNION BUDGET 2010- INDUSTRY REACTIONS Infrastructure Infrastructure sector remains main focus for the government as it has received 46 per cent of total planned allocation. The Finance Minister in his budget made provision of Rs. 1,73,552 crore for upgrading infrastructure in both rural and urban areas. Major emphasis has been given to development of high quality physical infrastructure such as roads, ports, airports and railways. The allocation for road transport has been increased by over 13 per cent from Rs. 17,520 crore to Rs. 19,894 crore. Disbursement for infrastructure by India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd (IIFCL) is expected to reach Rs.20,000 crore in 2010-11 as against Rs.9,000 crore this year. Railways to get Rs.16,752 crore which is about Rs.950 crore more than last year to modernize and expand the network. Urban infrastructure Urban infrastructure didn't receive much attention form the 65