Cement, Energy and Environment

MINISTRY SETS TWO-YEAR TIME FOR EIA STUDY The Environment Ministry on 24.3.2010 fixed a two year timeframe for validity of the terms of reference (ToR) for detailed Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) studies for development projects requiring environmental clearance. The new stipulation, effective from April 1, has been enforced as the EIA notification of 2006 has been silent on the issue. The absence of a time limit means the ToRs, once prescribed, are valid indefinitely. The Ministry now says it is definitely undesirable because the ToRs are very much site specific and dynamic to an extent depending upon the site features, its land use and the nature of development around it. "The prescribed ToRs will be valid for two years for submission of EIA reports, after public consultation where required. This period will be extendable to the third year based on proper justification or approval of the expert appraisal committee," the Environment Ministry states. Courtesy: FIMI (Federation of Indian Mineral Industries) News Bulletin, April15, 2010, P32. 35 PERCENT OF COAL FIELDS IN FOREST AREAS: JAIRAM Spelling out the broad parameters for opening coal mines in future, Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh on April 02, said about 35 per cent of the total coal fields in the country lay in heavily forested or ecologically fragile areas and should be barred from mining. Mr. Ramesh said his ministry had conducted a study of the coal fields using satellite pictures. "Based on this study, we have identified the 'go' zones and 'no-go' zones," he told reporters, referring to areas where permissions for m1mng can be granted or cannot be given. "About 35 per cent of the total area is in 'no-go' zone. Almost all coal fields of Chhattisgarh are 'no-go' zones," he said. Mr. Ramesh said coalfields in the 'go' zones should 'prima facie' be open for mining operations, though an environmental impact assessment would still be necessary. But the 'no-go' zones should be made strictly out of bounds for mm1ng projects. "I have suggested that every effort must be made tor optimum utilization of coal mines in the 'go' zones," he said. Mr. Ramesh's strict adherence to environmental norms has up set quite a few of his ministerial colleagues some of whom have complained of delay in infrastructural projects because of hurdles posed by the Environment Ministry. Ramesh, however, said his ministry was not against development but was only trying to strike the right balance between development and ecology. Courtesy: FIMI(Federation of Indian Mineral Industries) News Bulletin April15, 2010, Pp32-33. RESTRICTION ON MINING OF LIMESTONE AND OTHER MINERALS IN CRZ AREAS Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1867 to be answered on 15-03-2010. Shri Parshottam Khodabhai Rupala: Shri Bharatsinh Prahatsinh Parmar: Shri Kanjibhai Patel: Will the Minister of Environment and Forests be pleased to state: (a) Whether it is a tact that the mining of limestone and other similar minerals is prohibited within CRZ areas; (b) If so, whether it is applicable to those mining leases which were granted permission before 1991; (c) Whether it is also a tact that CRZ Notification is getting amended based on the recommendations made by Prof. Swminathan Committee for making it more scientific and meaningful ; (d) Whether some State Governments including Gujarat have taken up the issue of allowing the mining activities in CRZ areas subject to strict compliance of environmental protection measures and also based on the technical studies; and (e) If so, the action taken up by the Central Government in this regard? Answer Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Environment and Forests (Shri Jairam Ramesh) (a) & (b) The Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 1991 prohibits mining of sands, rocks, and other substrata material except rare minerals like monazite, rutile etc., and exploitation of oil and natural gas. All activities that are permissible under the CRZ Notification, 1991 are required to obtain clearance under the said notification. (c) The Government has initiated steps to implement the recommendations made by Prof. M. S. Swaminathan Committee in its report "Final Frontier" dated 16-07- 2009 for strengthening of the CRZ Notification, 1991 . The steps include drafting of a Sustainable Costal Zone Protection Notification with an objective to protect the livelihood of local communities and promoting 62