Cement, Energy and Environment

Exhibit-2 Schemes Launched by different countries for CMM project development Clearly Defined Gas Property Rights Institutional reforms Industry involvement in policy making Access to new technologies Access to electric grid Adequate pipeline connectivity I Special national schemes I Tax Benefits Feed-in-Tariffs " " " " " ..J Some countries have successfully addressed individual barriers through policies and schemes as illustrated in Exhibit 2. India should draw conclusions from those policies and accordingly design a comprehensive policy to ensure successful implementation at desired level. Requirements call for a tailored policy Policy should be designed such that it guides project developers to include utilization projects into overall coal mining GlJ i ulitll' " " " " " " " " " \ .,J ..J planning. This is essential to ensure recovery of investments else similar projects will not come up leaving environmental and social concerns unanswered. Policy needs to be meticulously designed to avoid conflicts Policy makers need to take care that CMM utilization policy harmonizes with coal production policy. Setting stringent norms on methane release has to be backed by incentives else coal production may get affected. CBM blocks were delineated with the view that coal production from those blocks will take place 20 -25 years forth. However, to meet coal requirements, those blocks might be needed much before. Ministry of Coal And Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas are working together to chalk out strategy so as to mine CBM and coal together. This might possibly lead to ownership issue of CMM in future and thus, this aspect must also feature while framing policy for CMM. It has to be ensured that regulatory requirements don't become a barrier for CMM projects in getting carbon benefits. Due to regulations, recovery and utilization projects will become a Hobson's choice for developers and it might be difficult to explain additionality of the project. This situation will prevent projects from getting implemented as some of the projects become financially infeasible otherwise. Way ahead Other countries started focusing on CMM development a decade ago. In India, the possibility to recover and utilize CMM from some mines is being explored but still a long way to go. Now, a lot is expected from the Government to enact CMM policy soon to bring necessary fillip to the industry. Courtesy: energetica India, March/Apri/2010, Pp40-41. Announcement 43R° FICCI ANNUAL AWARDS 2009-10 • Recognizing Companies, Institutions and Individuals for achieving excellence in various fields of economic, social, technological and environmental development since 1967. • Award Categories: o Category I- Companies & Institutions o Category II - Individual Scientist/Technologist (Single Cash Award of Rs.2.0 Lakhs with Plaque) o Category Ill - FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) o Category IV - All India Organisation of Employers (AlOE) • Award Brochure- Can be downloaded from FICCI's website "http://www.ficci.com " • Last Date of Receipt of Applications-31st August, 2010 For further queries, please contact - Lt. Col. Naresh Kumar, Tel: 91 11 23322455(0) 23738760-70, ext. 214, e-mail: colnkumar@ficci.com 50