Cement, Energy & Environment Jan-Mar 2002

8-15 A weak training program; you're asking a lot of your participants to go through this. 16-23 A fair training program, but definitely need more work. 16-24 A strong training program. Think about ways to improve it further. 32-39 An excellent training program. Courtesy : Productivity, Vol. 42, No. 2, Sept.-Oct. 2001, P 17. E-mail: npc@ren02.nic.in Web: www. npci11dia.org ROLE OF BLENDED CEMENTS IN REDUCING THE INCIDENCE OF REINFORCEMENT CORROSION A.K. Mullick, Cement and Concrete Technology, Consultancy a11d Advisory Services, New Delhi. The paper affirms the successful long term performance of the use of industrial wastes cum supplementary cementingmaterials viz; flyash and blast furnace slag in cement concrete as blends, particularly in regard to corrosion of reinforcement. The author profounds with supporting data and scientific explanations as to how blended cements reduce chances of corrosion and makes a number of recommendations and sound engineering practices that are needed for the use of blended cements in ·concrete construction. Courtesy: ICI f oumal, jan.-Mar. 2002, Pp 19-24 E-mail: ici3@vsnl..net.i11 Web: www.pcsadvt.com/ ici NEW WALL TILES Eurocon Tiles Company, 161, G1·eams Road, Chennai- 600 006. Tel. 8294062/70/53 Fax: 829 4640 Eurocon Tiles, pioneers in designer concrete tiles for external and semi-internal floor and 62 wall cladding applications, have introduced two new wall tiles: Valletta and Tagus The new designs offer the discernible homebuilder , exclusivi ty and inn ovation. The tiles incorporate botanical feahtres for the first time in the country, offering bold design options different from the conventional geomatric patterns. Valletta - features Ivy clinging to a rocky surface giving a 'green' look to your walls. The effect is all the more beautiful with the highlightjng of the leaf with a different colour from that of the background.Tagus- features desert plant Cactus giving a unique appearance to your walls with the right lighting, the design gives a 3D effect to the viewer. This design comes in sets of 4 lines providing different texhtres which enhances the beauty. These two tiles are for wail applica tion to adorn externa l facad es of houses, commercial buildings, restaurant and hotel receptions, lounges and staircase walls. Courtesy : The Masterbuilder, Dec-fan. 2002, P 86. E-mail: dicomnet@md4.vsnl.net.in Web: www. Masterbuilder.com REVISED DRAFT ON ''NORMS FOR PROVING LIMESTONE DEPOSITS FOR CEMENT MANUFACTURE" REVIEWED NCB organised a one-day Workshop on Future Growth Prospects of Indian Cement Industry and Limestone Availability on 17 May 2001at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi to review the draft of the revised and updated third edition of "Norms for Proving Limestone Deposits for Cement Manufacture". The earlier two editions of this prime publication were ins.tant success and were highly in demand by prospecting geologists, -