Cement, Energy & Environment Jan-Mar 2002

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. LASTING- the program anticipates and dea ls with the obstacles to long-term behavioral change. USEFUL- the program content is true, usable and valuable to the participant. The program limits its content to what has been shown to help most on the job. PERSUASIVE- the program overcomes the participant' s objections to the content or to using the skills taught. The participant is successfully motivated to drop old habits and to deal with the fear of negative peer pressure and the inclination to take the path of least resistance or of short-term rewards. APPROPRIATE- the content and delivery are agreed to the target population's entry level, desired final achievement level, educa tional level, and learning style and speed. PRACTICAL the program's development and delivery are efficient and stay within the constraints of time, money logistics, publish ability, and repeatability. The program u ses technology to enhance training and avoids technology for its own sake. ENJOYABLE- the program actively involves participants and preserves the exci tement that com es from self– development. SAFE- the program avoids or minimizes any real or perceived threa ts to the participant's physical, emotional, or professional well-being. FOCUSED- the tr aine r cl early understands the concepts, behavior, and attitudes to be acquired by the participant. The trainer and participants clearly understand the program's objectives and methods. 10. HONEST- the various elements o f the program are in harmony with each other, and the content and delivery are not misleading. The program and the trainer candid about the program's objectives, especially as they relate to the participant's values. 11. INTRIGUING- the program motivates the participant to continue the training, just as a good novel advances the s tory and makes the reader want to turn the page. 12. COMMUNAL- when appropriate, the program accommoda t es group dynamics and promotes a sense of group membership and shared purpose. 13. WELL- EXECUTED - the program is skillfully written and interes tingly presented to appeal to the participant accu stomed to sophisticated print, radio, television, and movie production. The program's delivery enhances the train ing without dis tracting the participant. Scoring Mark your answers as per the rating:- 3 for Thoroughly, - 2 for Mostly, -1 for Somewhat, - 0 for Not at all. Answers Total : Add up the points you assigned each j tern, then compare your total with this scale: 0-7 Not a training program; you may have a perfectly good something else . 61