Cement, Energy & Environment Jan-Mar 2002
j Data processing and analysis Once data integrity has been invoked, the submitted data is stored in the users' folder to be available for further processing and development of key indicators and graphics. Electronic feedback system One key element of a user-friendly system is the response it gives to the fum. Ahigh quality and comprehensive feedback to the data provider will certainly increase his willingness to provide accurate and complete data. Data processing will be done at four levels: •!• Calculation of relevant performance indicators of the firm •!• Comparison with historical data of the firm •!• Comparison with other firms being in the same business •!• Generating electronic recommendations In particular, the level of automated electronic recommendations should be considered experimental. Automated electronic answers will reCJ_uire very detailed information concerning the technology and processes used in a firm. The project in close interactipn with experts and representatives of the association would decide which disaggregated performance parameters are of interest to a firm, which of importance to the association, and which allow a fair comparison among firms. Identifying solutions In general, one could label a firm with respect to its energy efficiency to manufacture a certain product only if the process of manufacturing as well as quality and quantity of resource input streams are known. Consequently, each firm's performance could be shown on a horizontal bar relative to the worst and best performer in the database on the similar category of units. However, in practice it is _more complicated to arrive at a precise comparison due to the amount ot information required. Nevertheless, as a starting point, firms manufacturing the same product and matching other parameters such as processes, capacity of the unit, year of setting up the line, may be rated and compared. Conclusion With several achievements to ~ts credit, the cement industry appears to be a good candidate to innovate the information system utilizing IT Tools. A professional approach t.o evolving innovations and sustaining a suitable model catering to the needs of the industry would require close networking within the industry, research institutions, experienced professionals and software application firms. Courtesy : The Bulletin on Energy Efficiency, Aug. 2001 Pp 18-19. Email: efficiency@rediffmail.com LOWERING NOx FOR LESS David Haspel, Prolink Management Over the years, the prevention and abatement of NOx emissions in cement plants has become an important issue for the industry. However, it can be argued that the demise of NOx generation may add substantial costs to clinker production on some kilns due to the loss of a unique source of process knowledge. This article documents a method, personally advocated by the au thor, whereby he 27
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