Cement, Energy & Environment Jan-Mar 2002

CONTENTS • INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR EMPHASISES ENERGY EFFICIENT AND ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY CEMENT TECHNOLOGIES 6 • PET COKE USE IN INDIAN CEMENT INDUSTRY - Workshop Outlines Measures to Overcome Bottlenecks 8 • INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT IN CEMENT PRODUCTION, NEW DELHI 9 • NATIONAL AWARDS PRESENTED FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY, ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE AND QUALITY EXCELLENCE IN CEMENT INDUSTRY 10 • ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT AT AWARPUR CEMENT WORKS 12 • ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE AND ENERGY SAVING AT BINANI CEMENT'S PLANT 15 • TECHNOLOGYTREND • Pushing the Limit [cost saving for laboratories without in-house standards] · 23 • High Alumina Renaissance (a niche product with a growing market potential) 23 • Refractory Remedies (solution for cement kiln, calciners and cooler linings from refractory companies) 23 • BRP Storage Solutions (mechanical discharge systemwith far lower energy consumption) 24 • No Place like Dome (cost effective and can be installed by semiskilled and unskilled labour) 24 • Refractory Trends (a review of the refractory technology development and challengesahead) 24 • ARotary Chain of Thought (the challenge is to generate technically perfect chain system as well as emerging of stock and supply cycles) 24 • Wet Chain Performance (aspects of state-of-the-art of wet kiln chains design with basic heat transfer physics) 25 • Improved Storage (storage alternative seeking best value solution) 25 e TECHNOLOGY UPGRADATION 2 Process & Operation • • • • Electronic Information Processing in the Cement Industry (information revolution hasmoved to ush er technological transformation and autom ation ) Lowering NOx for Less (water addition in lieu of selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) route using ammonia) Arching and Ratholing in Silos (aute's c.alculation rn1~o~i~~asey onl soil mechanics and used in mininjg antYcivil ·engineering] M t( . ' The Power of Acoustic Horns in !Cement Indus~ (a hl~ficant enhancer I of productivity in maintenance) CLA...- r C; 5?-C70 2.-.;.f. ...... . eoo,<: ·.o . . .. . ........ • I\.,. I '' 25 27 28 28