Cement, Energy & Environment Jan-Mar 2002

Vol6, No.1 Jan - Mar 2002 CEMENT, ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT Editorial Board A. V. Srinivasan S. J. Raina Dr. S. P. Ghosh G. Ramaseshan P. T. Nanjappa P. K. Bhatnagar Executive Advisory Board M. L. Narula - Chairman V.J. Anantharaman K. M. Kavadia J.P. Desai P.K. Goenka A.K. Jain Kamal Kumar Dr. K.C. Narang B.V. Ramanayya Dr. S.N. Yadav MESSAGE Dear Readers, With this issue your Journal has completed 5 years of its service with 20 issues released for information dissemination amongst broad spectrum of cement industry personnel. The CMA, particularly the Editorial team has spared noeffort to collect, collate, abstract and systematically compile technological information on both relevant and emerging issues for the industry. In this regard afew recent developments deserve attention and careful consideration of our industry. The EnergyConservation Bill has been passed by the Parliament in August 2001 and procedural formalities in its enactment are in the process. The erstwhile Energy Management Centre (EMC) is rechristened as Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and is entrusted with the task of regular and mandatory monitoring of industry- sectorwise energy efficiency and conservation practice. While its ramifications for all industries are yet to be seen, it is high time for our industry to have a self-review for facing the challenge appropriately. Cement Industry is known and acclaimed to be one of the foremost in implementation of energy conservation measures by individual plants, but on the whole alarge gap still exists for many plants to cover the prevailing technological gap to reach the desired level. Another interesting development of global and national significance with direct impact on our industry needs immediate attention. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Project of the Governmentof India sponsored by UNDP hasembarked upon green-housegas (GHG) emission estimates of each country- sector-wise and industry-wise. Cement industry is one of the major sources of C0 2 emission- aGHG gas. The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) is the designated nodal body.The Ministry is entrusted with the task of preparation and submission of India's initial National Communication (Natcom) to UN Framework Conventionon Climate Change (UNFCCC) including completion of a national greenhouse gas inventory for the period 1980 to 1999, vulnerability assessment and adaptation. This will be tabled in the 8 111 Conference of Parties (COP) next meeting in Johannesburg in mid 2002 followed by final reporting in the next UNFCCC to be held in New Delhi in November 2002. The core institutions entrusted for National GHG inventory preparation are NPL- New Delhi, TERI- New Delhi, JIM- Ahmedabad and Development Consultants- New Delhi. CMA has been identified as the lead agency for compiling data for the cement and lime industries, which will be completed by June, 2002. The outcome of the project will lead to enabling activities including fund support for the industry for reduction of GHG emissionsthrough modernisation and technology upgradation-the Clean Development Mechanism (COM). We want our industry to be fully prepared to take advantage of the •carbon Emission" trading with developed countries and get low-cost fund support for modernisation. Keeping this objective in mind, CMA with the help of renowned experts from cement industry Union Minister of State for Commerce & has re-embarked upon the benchmarking exercise for performance improvement in energy Industry, Dr. Raman Singh Inaugurating the conservation and pollution control (GHGemission} through continuous monitoring. Large scale Inte rnational Seminar on Energy and participation of our plants in this exercise will strengthen the hands ofthe industry in presenting Environment in Cement Produ ction and · f rbo d' · Sustainable Construction in New Delhi on anassuringpictureoftheslncereeffortsmadebyusandprepanngus orca ntra 1ng1nnear 3••January 2 oo2. Seated on the dais (left to right) future. It should be noted that benchmarking is not an exercise to identify any lapse or fault, it is are Shri S.J. Raina, Director General (Actg.), aimed at self-assessment by any plant or company in its performance with respect to others in NCB; Shri s. Jagdeesan, Jt. Secretary, to the the class and find and work out areas where progressive improvement is achievable. I expect Govt. of India, Ministry of Commerce & full scale participation of our industry in this exercise which will not only benefit the participants Industry; Shri T.M.M. Nambiar, Chairman- and boost the image of the industry but also will pave the way for gainfui"Carbon Trading" and NCB and Managing Director, ACC; Shri S.K. Wali, Joint President, Lakshmi Cement; and rLeaprich,dividends. R A R y ~· Shri A.V. Srinivasan, Secretary General, CMIAr:-"'"1----· (See pages 6-8 for detailed report) (A.V. Srinivasan) MENT MANUFACTURe, S ASSOCIATION Secretary General NEW DELHI