Cement, Energy & Environment Jan-Mar 2002

LIBRARY CEMENT MANUFACTURERS' SSOCIATII-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ 1t pays to advertise h NEW DELHI Jergy and Environment" You could be- • Cement Mach i.tery Manufacturers • Cement Pl ant Engineering and Consultancy Organisatio ns • Ene rgy Management/Conservation Consultancy Firms • Power Saving Systems/Device Manufacturers • Supplier of spares and accessories • Pollution Contro l and Monitoring Equipment Manufacturers • Environmental Consultancy Agencies • ISO Accreditation Agencies • R&D Institutions Engaged in Cement and Allied Fields • lndustriaVMaterials Testing Laboratories • HRD Institutions Our Tariff is moderate for the value you get Back Cover Inside Full Page Inside Half Page (VerticaVHorizontal) Bottom Panel OveraUSize Print Area Back Cover Inside Full Page India Sing le Contract Single Insertion for four Insertion Rs. Insertions US $ Rs. 12,000 40,000 450 10,000 32,000 350 6,000 20,000 200 3,000 10,000 100 Mechanical Data 220mm x 280mm 190mm x 240mm 190mm x 240mm Overseas Contract for four Insertions us$ 1,500 1,200 700 350 Inside Half Page (Vertical) Inside Half Page (Horizontal) Bottom Panel 140mm x 240mm 190nml x 115nm1 190mm x 60nm1 Rush your Advertisement Material Today Complete set of 4-colour positives along with complete colour scheme of the Ad. Remittance Payment is to be made by Demand Draft/Cheque drawn in favour of "Cement Manufacturers' Association" payable at New Delhi. Ad material should reach at least 15 days prior to the issue's date of publication (Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct).