73 Conclusion Opportunities and challenges linked to plastic waste are increasingly global and addressing them will significantly contribute to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Establishing sound plastic waste management systems in these emerging economies in Asia, is essential to keep plastics out of the sea. There is currently a low rate of recycling and reuse of plastics waste with most going to open dumps, landfills or incinerators. The non-recyclable plastic waste represents the largest share of marine litter which could be cost-efficiently used as alternative fuels in the local energy intensive industries, such as the cement industry. Pilot Demonstrations, under the OPTOCE project, will investigate and showcase the feasibility, to prove the concept under various local conditions and to uncover limitations of the practice. References Astrup, T., Fruergaard, T. and Christensen, T.H., 2009. Recycling of plastic: accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming contributions. Waste Management and Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy, 2009, Volume: 27 issue: 8, pages: 763-772. Breaking the Plastic Wave, the Pew Charitable Trust, 2020. Geyer, R., Jambeck, J.R., and Law, K.L., 2017. Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made. Science Advances, 2017;3: e1700782. 19 July 2017. Jambeck, J.R., Geyer, R., Wilcox, C., Siegler, T.R., Perryman, M., Andrady, A., Narayan, R., Law, K.L., 2015. Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean. Science, 13 February 2015 Vol 347 Issue 6223. Karstensen, Kåre Helge, Palash Kumar Saha, Eirik Vigerust, Anneli Alatalo Paulsen, Christian John Engelsen and Mehdi Ahmadi, 2019. Ocean plastic: an opportunity in the circular economy? International Cement Review. October 2019. ISSN 0959-6038. Karstensen, Kåre Helge, Palash Kumar Saha, Eirik Vigerust, Anneli Alatalo Paulsen, Christian John Engelsen and Mehdi Ahmadi, 2019. Asia’s plastic potential. International Cement Review. March 2020. ISSN 0959-6038. Karstensen, K.H. et al., 2006. Environmentally Sound Destruction of Obsolete Pesticides in Developing Countries Using Cement Kilns. Environmental Science & Policy, 9, 577-586. Karstensen, K.H., 2008. Formation, release and control of dioxins in cement kilns – A review. Chemosphere, 70 (2008) 543–560. Karstensen, K.H., 2010. Test burn with PCB in a local cement kiln in Sri Lanka. Chemosphere, 78, 717-723. ISSN: 0045-6535 Karstensen, K.H. et al., 2014. Destruction of concentrated Chloro uorocarbons in India demonstrates an effective option to simultaneously curb climate change and ozone depletion. Environmental Science and Policy, 38 (2014) 237-244. ISSN No. 1462-9011. Mutz, D., Hengevoss, D., Hugi, C. and Gross, T., 2017. Waste-to-Energy Options in Municipal Solid Waste Management. A Guide for Decision Makers in Developing and Emerging Countries. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Germany. Regjeringen, 2020 ( en/dokumenter/marine_litter/id2642037/ Sharma, A., Aloysius, V, Visvanathan, C., 2019. Recovery of plastics from dumpsites and landfills to prevent marine plastic pollution in Thailand. Waste Dispos. Sustain. Energy DOI 10.1007/ s42768-019-00027-7. The state of plastics, 2018. World Environment Day Outlook,