61 • Scenario of digital transformation in the Mining Industry The implementation level of IT application in mining is at a low stage, when compared with other industries. The industry is still in the early stages of this transformation, and most of the potential benefits are still to be unlocked. It is always mentioned as one of the main concerns among most large-scale mining companies, whereas these mining companies are aware of its benefits There are few cases of mining operations where a high level of digitization and automation of its processes has been achieved. Only few mines are operated under a combination of remote-controlled and fully automated equipment for drilling, blasting, and hauling processes. They have been successfully operating for several years now and are regularly increasing IT applications. Smart sensors and monitoring systems are also already generating large amounts of data for maintenance purposes and the visualization of data to support human decision making. • Challenges in application for digital transformation • IT application shall always be considered as process of change in mining operations, and shall not be considered as isolated IT projects, with no significant benefits considering the investments involved. It requires action on following challenges to make it successful • Effective coordination across the whole mining operation - to achieve a truly effective and value creative transformation, it must be carried out as a joint task across the organization, with a shared view of the business goals and a strong commitment from the top management. • Focus on cybersecurity. IT application requires a wider connectivity among equipment and sensors, also between different business units. The company could then be exposed to greater risks of security breaches. To overcome this risk, a solid “cybersecurity culture” must be promoted in every level of the organization, incorporating new security-related practices in the daily responsibilities of the employees, along with the measurement of relevant KPIs and a periodical revision of the adopted strategies to evaluate their effectiveness and generate improvements, if necessary. • Effective convergence of IT and “operational technology” is also key for a successful application. The automation of processes requires an integrated Information Technology & Operational Technology management. Application of Electrically Operated Equipment to achieve green mining Electromobility, as the development and use of electric-powered vehicles, is a technological trend across mining industries. It offers an economical and more environmentally friendly alternative to the use of fossil fuels. Basically, it is a big paradigm change in mining. Most mobile equipment in mining operations has been historically powered by internal combustion engines (ICEs), using diesel fuel. Diesel ICEs emit exhaust gases containing a series of pollutants, such as unburned hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and diesel particulate matter (DPM). Additionally, a large amount of heat is also produced. All these elements affect the environment and to ensure a proper working environment for operators, surroundings, and equipment, have a significant impact on costs. There are several methods to provide electric power in mining application that have been used for a long time (like use of trolley assisted equipment), today there are more incentives to look for electric-powered alternatives to replace the mobile equipment that have been predominantly running with diesel ICEs, like excavators and dumpers etc. According to the method used to supply the motor with electric energy, this equipment can be classified into five categories i.e. Trolley powered, Battery powered, Cable powered, Hybrid ICE/ electric equipment, Hydrogen fuel cell powered etc. The major advantages of electric powered over diesel powered equipment are • Higher energy efficiency • Higher service life (and, therefore, lower fleet requirements along the life of the mine) • Lower maintenance requirements • Reduced generation of pollutants, heat and noise, and • Overall lower operating costs • Lower environmental impacts etc.