56 Bhanu Prakash Bhatnagar, Head Mining Adani Cement Industries Ltd, Ahmedabad Adopting “Green Mining” concepts: Mining of Future ABSTRACT The Green mining concept is becoming a thrust at all levels to with responsible mining practices to take care increasing environmental concerns. It answer the necessity of building a more sustainable and efficient industry, reducing the environmental footprint, and enhancing safety of mining operations. During achieving this concept, the ‘innovation’ plays an important role to improve the efficiency of its processes, reduce costs, improvement of productivity and also to meet the increasing social and environmental concerns among communities and authorities. This calls for effective R&D intensity in mining companies, innovative solutions provided by equipment manufacturers & suppliers. To achieve green mining in field through innovation a collaborative alliances between mining companies, suppliers, and research centers contributes a lot. Other effective tool in achieving it is effective implementation of technological trends i.e. IT application (digital transformation), as the process of adoption and incorporation of a set of tools, into the mining business. Automation, robotics, remote operations, internet of things, analytics, and digital twinning, among others, have the potential to enhance processes along the whole value chain of mining. The major challenges that firms must face to achieve a successful digitization are the commitment and joint-task coordination between the different business units, implementing proper organizational structure changes, and promoting a new cultural mindset regarding cybersecurity strategies and their continuous improvement. Major aspects of green mining like Zero waste mining can be achieved by electromobility and continuous mining. The replacement of fossil fuel-powered vehicles is a “must” in a world moving away from such energy sources to cleaner ones, and stricter safety and environmental regulations being implemented all around the world reflect it. ‘Green mining’ is defined as technological improvement, best practices, and implementation of clean processes like digital transformation of mining operation will help to reduce the environmental impacts associated with the mining activities including extraction of minerals and further processing. Technological improvement plays a critical role in the mining process as a tool to improve the efficiencies, to reduce costs, but also to meet the increasing social and environmental concerns among communities and authorities and achieve green mining. This article aims to focus on achieving green mining concept in mining industry, with specific attention on • Dynamics of technological innovation for the mining industry, • Current trends and future of the mining industry • Increasing implementation of IT in mining industry. • Electromobility application in mining.