42 2.1 Operating and emissions standards for MSW Incineration in India MSW Incineration with waste to energy (WtE) is an increasingly popular choice for Indian cities given the increasing waste quantities. WtE normally involves generation of electricity in steam turbines in either mass burn mode or by first producing RDF. CPCB recommends that before MSW Incineration is installed, a mature and well-functioning waste management system has been in place for a few years. The supply of combustible waste should be stable and amount to at least 500 tonnes/ day. The lower calorific value (LCV) of waste must be at least 1450 kcal/kg (6MJ/kg) throughout all seasons. The annual average LCV must not be less than 1700 kcal/ kg (7 MJ/ kg). Waste to be incinerated shall not be chemically treated with any chlorinated disinfectants. And only low sulphur fuel like LDO, LSHS, Diesel, biomass, coal, LNG, CNG, RDF and biogas shall be used as fuel in the incinerator. All the facilities in twin chamber incinerators shall be designed to achieve a minimum temperature of 950⁰C in secondary combustion chamber and with a gas residence time in secondary combustion chamber Table 5. Emission standard for MSW Incineration Plant (MoEFCC, 2016) Parameter Emission standard Particulates 50 mg/Nm3 Standard refers to half hourly average value HCl 50 mg/ Nm3 Standard refers to half hourly average value SO2 200 mg/ Nm3 Standard refers to half hourly average value CO 100 mg/ Nm3 50 mg/ Nm3 Standard refers to half hourly average value Standard refers to daily average value Total Organic Carbon 20 mg/ Nm3 Standard refers to half hourly average value HF 4 mg/ Nm3 Standard refers to half hourly average value NOx (NO and NO2 expressed as NO2) 400 mg/ Nm3 Standard refers to half hourly average value Total dioxins and furans 0.1 ng TEQ/ Nm3 Standard refers to 6-8 hours sampling. Please refer guidelines for 17 concerned congeners for toxic equivalence values to arrive at total toxic eq. Cd + Th + their compounds 0.05 mg/ Nm3 Standard refers to sampling time anywhere between 30 minutes and 8 hours. Hg and its compounds 0.05 mg/ Nm3 Standard refers to sampling time anywhere between 30 minutes and 8 hours. Sb + As + Pb + Cr + Co + Cu + Mn + Ni + V + their compounds 0.5 mg/ Nm³ Standard refers to sampling time anywhere between 30 minutes and 8 hours. All values corrected to 11% oxygen on a dry basis. not less than two seconds. Incineration plants shall be operated (combustion chambers) with such temperature, retention time and turbulence, as to achieve Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content in the slag and bottom ash less than 3%, or the loss on ignition is less than 5% of the dry weight. The CO2 concentration in tail gas shall not be more than 7%. If the concentration of toxic metals in incineration ash exceeds the limits specified in the Hazardous Waste Management Rules 2016, the ash shall be sent to the hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facility. Fly ash acts as a catalyst for de-novo synthesis (at 200-450°C) of dioxins and furans. To reduce formation of dioxins and furans, it is imperative that maximum fly ash is removed before gases cool down to 200-450°C. Odour from sites shall be managed as per guidelines of CPCB issued from time to time. Since the capital investment is very high, the planning framework of the community should be stable enough to allow a planning horizon of 25 years or more. Pre-feasibility study for the technology should point to positive conclusions for the respective community.