38 As per the new Solid Waste Management (SWM) Rules of 2016, the non-recyclable waste having calorific value of 1500 kcal/kg or more shall not be landfilled and shall only be utilized for generating energy either through RDF or by giving away as feedstock for preparing RDF. Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 included Co- processing as preferential mechanism over disposal for use of waste as supplementary resource, or for recovery of energy. The approval process for co- processing of hazardous waste to recover energy has been streamlined and put on emission norms basis rather than on trial basis (MoEFCC, 2016). Table 2. Emissions standards for Indian cement plants co-processing wastes (MoEFCC, 2016) Parameters Emission limit Unit Remarks Particulate matter* 30 mg/Nm3 0.125 kg/tonne of clinker Raw mill, kiln and precalciner system put together SO2* 100 mg/Nm3 Pyritic sulphur in the limestone is less than 0.25% 700 mg/Nm3 Pyritic sulphur in the limestone is 0.25- 0.5% 1 000 mg/Nm3 Pyritic sulphur in the limestone is more than 0.5% NOx* 600 mg/Nm3 For kilns commissioned after 25.08.2014 800 mg/Nm3 For ILC kilns commissioned before 25.08.2014 1 000 mg/Nm3 For other kilns commissioned before 25.08.2014 Parameters Emission limit Unit Remarks HCl 10 mg/Nm3 HF 1 mg/Nm3 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 10 mg/Nm3 Case to case standard if TOC does not result from the co- processing Hg and its compounds 0.05 mg/Nm3 Cd + Tl and their compounds 0.05 mg/Nm3 Sum of other heavy metals and their compounds 0.5 mg/Nm3 Other heavy metals are Antimony (Sb), Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb), Cobalt (Co), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni) and Vanadium (V) Dioxins and Furans 0.1 ngTEQ/ Nm3 * The concentration values and timeline for implementation in respect of PM, SO 2 and NOx shall be governed in accordance with the provisions under notification published vide GSR No. 612 (E), dated the 25th August, 2014 and amended from time to time For cement plants co-processing wastes, MoEFCC has notified emission limit values vide G.S.R. 497 (E) dated 10 May 2016. Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) installation is mandated in cement kiln stack for Particulate Matter, SOx and NOx in the first phase, with data uplinked to State and Central Pollution Control Boards. The Co-processing guidelines (2017) are a revised version of the 2010 CPCB guidelines. The guidelines have been revised for complying with the conditions as specified in the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016. No trial runs would be necessary for grant of authorisation for co-processing of wastes since MoEFCC has notified the Emission Standards for co-processing of wastes in cement kiln. However, demonstration trials would be conducted for specific