33  Configuration of captured images for feeding memories of defined violations to GPU.  Capturing screen and running algorithm based program on each frame by GPU.  Raising alert to MS cloud.  Sending alert messages to pre determined cell phones of concerned responsible employees and creating dashboard of all alarms raised. Health and safety of all working for and on behalf of us remained the most important focus area as the core belief of UltraTech Cement is “Life is precious, and we care for it”. Therefore, we ensured even more outreach though travelled less during the Pandemic situation. To start with, we acted with agility to combat the spread of COVID-19 by • Preparing SOP with timely amendment based on Govt. guidelines and communicating across locations for strict adherence • Ensuring On-line PTW (permit to work) to avoid requirement of touching paper • Facilitating Doctors on Call service across all locations • Organizing meetings and trainings in virtual mode. Consequently, we could achieve very low lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) – less than 0.20. K Kiran, Head-Safety UltraTech Cement Limited ULTRATECH CEMENT’S BEST SAFETY PRACTICES IN RESPONSE TO PANDEMIC ABSTRACT To sustain and continually improve safety performance even during challenging situation created by Pandemic, UltraTech Cement adopted innovative solutions aided by advanced technologies. These were aimed at addressing three major elements of safety management system: i) Capability building, ii) Assurance and iii) Safe execution of high risk activities. • Capability building: To provide support throughout 24 X 7, 365 days to employees for making them aware on safety standards without need to attend classroom training, around 7000 frequently asked questions (FAQ) on 27 safety standards, 11 procedures and 5 guidelines prepared and made available on AI (artificial intelligence) enabled USHA chatbot. • Assurance: To evaluate the degree of horizontal deployment of lessons learnt and implementation of standard requirements at units, even during Pandemic situation, got independent virtual safety assessment of units done by cross functional competent assessors. • Safe execution of high-risk activities: To detect unsafe act/ deviation from laid down safety norm and to ensure real time intervention, video analytics was applied by following steps • Installing camera at vulnerable locations such as load centres and preheater (potential jam removal points). • Capturing video images of unsafe acts by installed camera.