30 • By pass valve location is changed Version 1.5: After several visits conducted & feedback obtained from the plant team, the nozzle design was further optimized to increase the consumption of Liquid AFR to 2.0 KL/ Hr. a. Following Changes were done • Mixing Chamber Design was improved. • ID increased to 16 mm • Material of construction changed to SS-316 • Feeding Point location of Liquid AFR to at nozzle changed to avoid internal deposition of Liq. AFR Particles. • Air consumption further reduced by decreasing the compressed air passage orifice to 0.3 mm Version 2.0: The nozzle design has been furtheroptimized to increase the consumption of Liquid AFR to 3.0 KL/ Hr. a. Following Changes have been done • Mixing Chamber Design has been further improved. • Air consumption has been further reduced by decreasing the compressed air passage orifice to 0.2 mm. CONCLUSIONS Thus, after several improvements the Commercial Launch was done in end of Oct-2020. The Modified & refined end product (Version 2.0) was highly efficient for purpose of effective combustion of different types of Liquid AFR used in cement plants. Version 2.0 Specifications • Length- 1200 mm • OD- 50 mm, ID- 16 mm • Wall thickness 5 mm Version 1.0 Specifications • Length- 1000 mm, OD- 50 mm, ID- 10 mm, Wall thickness- 3mm, Nozzle end- Straight • Compressed air passage orifice- 0.5 mm • Compressed Air requirement- Constant 5.5 - 6.0 Bar • Material of Construction SS-304 • Pocking Hole size required to insert the nozzle- 55mm Version 1.0: After first installation, the Liquid AFR Consumption by the plant was increased significantly from 0.5 KL/Hr. to 1.2 KL/Hr with no loss of production. The used nozzle design was at Straight-Jet type. a. The following observations/feedback received after 01 week from plant engineers, • There was coating problem at calciner wall & potential damage could also occur to the refractory in long term usage as the nozzle spray is touching the other side of calciner wall. • Also, the NRV used was getting jammed due to deposition of corrosive particles of liquid AFR. • The hose pipe may get damaged if come in contact with hot surface. Version 1.2: Thus, the design was improved after the feedback & nozzle angle was also changed to 70 Degrees & Length of Nozzle increased to 1250 mm. Also, the NRV used at by-pass valve was eliminated by changing the location of bypass valve location. Thereafter, the consumption of Liquid AFR increased to 1.5 KL/Hr. a. The observation after 04 weeks of usage was • There happens to be nozzle jamming due to usage of high viscosity material. • The nozzle angle to be changed to 90 Degrees. • Hose pipe to be insulated with ceramic fibre to avoid any damage after coming in contact with hot surface.