26 GIRDHAR MISHRA and KETAN GOEL Invotech Industrial Solutions Private Limited USE OF AFR IN CEMENT INDUSTRY NEED OF THE HOUR ABSTRACT The cement industry is a Resource Intensive Industry which uses large quantity of natural resources as Raw materials and Fuels. While the known fossil fuels, and more importantly Coal, which is the primary fuel for Indian cement industry is fast depleting, it is imperative to look for alternatives. Similarly, increasing demand of cement in the country, exploring alternative resources as fuels and Raw materials is an important imperative that cement industry has to look for. INTRODUCTION Sustainability or green initiatives have set as a wider canvas for companies to define a set of standards to be more environmentally conscious. With climate change being a reality, and with the awareness of actions to arrest climate change increasing, all corporates feel the pressing need to initiate, activate, measure and audit the steps that are taken under sustainability. The cement sector historically carries the burden of being the most polluting manufacturing. Starting from mining to packaging, there are various stages where the industry is burdened with the tag of being a polluting industry. Much has been changed in the recent decade with many of the companies, globally adopting measures to bring in improvement that are otherwise neglected. One of the measures that Cement Industry are adopting, is use of alternate fuels and raw materials which reduces carbon emissions that result from using fossil fuels and also impacts cement manufacturing. The Indian cement industry has been steadily progressing in AFR substitution over the years. LITERATURE SURVEY Worldwide use of Alternative Fuels In The Cement Industry The first major use of alternative fuels in the cement manufacturing industry emerged during the mid- 1980s. The primary goal in substituting fossil fuels was to enable the industry to remain economically competitive, as fuel consumption accounts for almost one third of the cost of producing clinker. Any positive impact on the environment was considered an added benefit. Since then, there has been increasing sensitivity to the environmental impact of human and industrial activities. Beyond the cost-cutting benefits of alternative fuels, use of these fuels can contribute greatly to the environmentally sound disposal of waste and to the mitigation of greenhouse- gas emissions (GHG). Therefore, key cement players started to consider alternative fuels as a lever to improve their contribution to sustainable development and as a key component of corporate social responsibility. Alternative fuels are at the heart