23 Best Practices for Health & Environment • Wet drilling is being adopted to suppress the dust emission from the drill machine at its source. • To minimize the blast induced ground vibrations, fly rock & noise - Controlled blasting techniques are being practiced, using non electric detonators & surface connectors. • Avoiding blasting during high wind periods. • Regular water sprinkling is being carried out on the blasted muck pile to prevent air borne dust liberation while loading. • Haul road wetting is being done with water tanker for suppressing the dust on haul roads. • Fixed water Sprinkler is being used for suppressing the dust on haul road. • Installed Dry fog system at crusher Hopper to mitigate the dust emission from crusher and also conserving the water in place of conventional spraying. • We have installed roof top solar power generation of 12.5 kw on Mines office building which caters the part of power requirement of the mines and the net saving of Rs.1.8 Lakhs per annum. Data Description Before installation After Installation Net Electricity bill per year Rs.2,16,000/- (Avg. Rs.18,000 per month) Rs.36,000/- (Avg. Rs.3,000 per month) Net saving Rs. 1,80,000/- per year  Which also eliminating the coal consumption for generation of equal units of power & stops the CO 2 generations, which indirectly protects the environment.