20 • The Organization has Established, Implemented the Quality, Environment, Occupational Health & Safety Management and Energy management Systems and certified in accordance to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 , ISO 14001:2015 ,ISO 45001:2018 & ISO 50001:2018, Green Co Gold rating and continuing to comply with the requirements. My Home is also an active member of Cement Sustainability Initiatives (CSI) making its humble contribution towards sustainable business model including Energy Conservation. • At present, the limestone requirement for these existing Clinkerisation Units is being fed from four captive mining leases i.e., (1) My Home Limestone Mine in Mellacheruvu (2) Yepalamadhavaram Limestone Mine (3) Choutapalli Limestone Mine (4) Choutapalli Limestone Mine-II. • MHIPL captive mines, made many innovations in-house (with Scrap material) with the support of plant head and top management in the areas of safety and environment. Our innovations/ best practices are presented in quality circle forums and bagged par excellence awards. Few of our innovation are given in this article. Innovative implementations (made In house with scrap material) related to Environment, Health & Safety Best Practices for Safety • We made a unique tool for Dismantling and Assembling the Truck Wheel to avoid Incidents while working. Tyre Carrier Pneumatic Tyre wrench Comparison of the Near Miss & First Aid Incidents data including time taken for Wheel replacement before & after Implementation of this project. Data Description Before Modification After Modification Near Miss Incidents 39 Nos 0 Tyre removing & fixing 27 min 4 min  Our Goal was to bring down the average Near Miss/First Aid incidents to Zero and with this project we also managed to bring down the tyre removing & fixing time from 27 minute to 4 minute.  The project cost is Rs.5,500/- and the Net saving after Implementation is Rs. 5,15,800/- per annum.  Zero complaints related to human body ergonomics.  After implementation of the new system, trucks availability also improved.  Productivity improved. • We made and use a Mobile tyre inflation cage and Fixed Tyre Inflation cage for safe inflation of tyres Tyre Inflation cage