18 greenbelt development and dust suppression system. We at SIL, continuously thrive to improve upon our own previous records and in line with the same we have achieved more than 15% of the recycled and reused water utilization ratio during the Financial Year-21. The details of water source, its consumption and treatment and reuse data is given below table and graphs. Supply side water management initiatives The water supply in the arid region of Kutch was the most important issue amongst all the issues a Cement company could face while commissioning its plant. We at SIL are proud to share that our continuous efforts and untiring efforts of our people along with active assistance from the residents of villages nearby have really paid off. Company actively planned rain water harvesting and other initiatives to collect fresh rain water in abundance to cater to the water requirements of the entire region. One of the very basic and interesting practices that company has followed over the year to collect the rain water is to convert its Mined Pits to huge water reservoirs collecting water from the surrounding catchment area. These mined pits converted to water reservoirs is a very beautiful sight to one and all visiting this area. It has also helped in enhancing the eco-system of the area to the extent that now thousands of migratory birds are seen at this place during the season time. The actual water conservation efforts of the company started with constructing check dams. Company constructed three check dams around the plant area with water collection capacity of 15 Lakh KL. The planned efforts of the company has paid off well and as on today the company has not utilized a single litre of fresh water from these check dams since its complete water requirement is met through the rain water harvesting at the mined pits. Further, Sanghi Industries has also implemented various initiatives like ground water recharge and khet talavdi pond deepening in and around its operational area. As on today, we have one of the largest rain water collection capacity in the entire district. We proudly share that our current rain water collection capacity stands at around a notable figure of around 50 Lakh KL. The company has become 5 times water positive in Financial Year-21 and now has set an ambitious target to become 8 times water positive by Financial Year-25. Conclusion With a clear vision and untiring efforts, we have created an oasis in the desert. An area which was a clear desert is converted to a complete greenbelt now and that too with water available in surplus for usage of others surrounding us in our operational area. The company’s sustainability and effective water management policies and very successful implementation of the same reflects its commitment to real sustainable development efforts. To conclude, we at SIL believe that by adopting multi dimensional approach that includes water demand reduction, rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge, water recycling, pond deepening and integrated water management practices will bring the company in a place to achieve continual improvement in the process and achieve a very ambitious target to become 8 times water positive by 2025 and a bigger goal of serving the society, ecosystem and all the stake holders in and around our company.