17 stewardship and social progress to benefit all our stakeholders. We have woven Sustainability as the core priority in all our business processes and we ensure to implement it to the core. Talking at the ground level, we are working on multiple fronts of sustainable development and green business practices. Amongst various initiatives of sustainable development, water conservation has been one of the most critical parts the reason being our Cement plant located at one of the most water arid, barren and desert land in Kutch district. The region suffered from virtual perennial draught, acute scarcity of water and extreme weather conditions. With these factors in the core the company has taken water resource management to its roots and implemented integrated water resource management encompassing both demand and supply side of water management. The company as a practice conducts water audit regularly to identify potential of water conservation and the water conservation blue prints and the action plan are designed accordingly. To put these blue prints into action, the company has installed automated online water management system for effective distribution and control of water resource. Demand side water management initiatives Sanghi Industries aims to minimize its fresh water usage by increasing efficiency of use, conservation and planned recycling of water. On the water demand side, the company has installed and upgraded various advanced technologies based water spraying systems to ensure optimum consumption of water. Further the efforts are seconded by activities such as practising drip irrigation technique for all water requirements of greenbelt development, gardening, vegetable and orchard farming in the entire complex. On the lines of ‘more crop per drop’ vision of the Government, the company is promoting low water intensive crop farming and also promoting usage of techniques such as drip irrigation in and around the communities in which it operates. As a result of this we are proud to share that we have saved 10.4 Million Litres of water during the Financial Year-21 as compared to previous year. To further ensure better management of the water demand side, the company, with an avowed policy to maintain Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD), ceaselessly seek better ways to manage water resources efficiently. The water used in plant for industrial cooling is recycled through cooling tower to ensure effective reuse of the same. To further ensure the recycling efforts we have installed 400 KLD Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) for treatment of colony’s sewage. This STP is based on very unique technology of Root Zone Treatment which treats the used water and make it safely available again for utilization in Water Consumption and treatment Particulars Water – KL 2011-12 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Fresh Water 0 0 0 0 0 Rain Water 322290 238104 2313343 156671 141562 Treated & Reuse 30730 25644 271558 19757 18518 Total 353020 263748 2584901 176428 160080 Treated & Reuse % 9.53% 10.77% 11.74% 12.61% 13.08% Water Consumption Base Year 2012 9.53% 10.77% 12.14% Sp. Water Consum - Ltr/MT Cement Water Consumption, Treatment & Reuse Water Treatment & Resuse - % 13.61% 15.58% 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 100 88 79 73 128