Cement, Energy and Environment

... REGD. NO . D. L.-l.J004l99 911:;fil J ?l:he <5aLette of .3ndia li. ~7C\) ""· 976! 2 ~ ....__ IRXTJlAORDI NAR V OWl' 11-"UUT 3-'3<1'-~ (ll' PART 11-S•dion l--S•b-sertlon (ii) ~~~ PUBl...ISH I!'.D BY AUTHORIT\ ' ~ ~.~- qf 11, 2015~ 21, 1937 NI:W D E.LHL MONDAY. J\olAY JJ, lUSNAISAKH."- 21 , 19.37 THE GAZETTE Of liDIA : EXTRAORDINARY (t'ART,Il--SI:.C. J(IJ)] ~: ~~~ m lJ'fuf ~'-'1oft~ 6t ~('il11 'tiTDJ ~~~~ m.tR.f.t 998{3l), mfrig 21 ~. 1974 ~~oft rTt ~ atraifi1r~. 31fi'hJ:"ili11 ~ 'fil'.a{T' 814(at) ~ 23lil'f 1 2015 -..am fq;trr 1'J1n l MINISTRY OF ENVIRONJ\>IENT, FOREST A."'fD CLIMATE: CDANGt: NOTIFICATION New IMhi, the I lth May, 2015 S.O. }250(1',).-ln ex.crcise of the poWI!l'S c.onfcrred by s.c:ction 3 and suh-sectio11 (6) of section 5 of the: Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. 1914 (6 of !974), th-e Ccntral Govemment hereby makes the fo ll<twing auumdments in tbe notification of me Govrnunem of Ind ia m U\e Ministry of F.nviromncnl forest arJd Climata Chllngc number. S 0. S14(E), dated the 2Jrd March, 2015, namely:- In the said nGtdic:ation.- (1) for serial number 11 and the entrtes relating thereto. the followmg serial number and entries snail be substituted, namely:- --11 . Sh.-i Viv~:l Narayau Shejwlllkar, 1.\rlA<yut Monic ipal Co!J>(>ratlon. fiwalior. 1>'1~tdhyiJ Pradc3h 95