Cement, Energy and Environment

- ~"'<'><\~ J4W?t I Fax : 080-25·586321 .. ::WiWi"i'X ~tfuel'fo· l :E-mail: ho@kspcb.ga -v.l~ csl~ t3aii~jEJ6/ Website : http:ffl<spcb.gov.m • ., 1f 2~581 ~-8~ , 2?589112 2~~881.51 I ·;2:5588270 25588142.25586520 !~~~! ~~ 6 ~0~ 6 ~~o~/~ ~oc!~ Karnataka State Pollution Control Board .. ~ 0 ~ 0 ~~~'\ 1 ood ~E5~ ~~~rt~:;. ~p.49, t!W'F"~.tie~, ~crtt.}.svd:>- 560 .001, 15~:-t~!i. t;.!d~ "Parisara Bhav~n-a" . 1 st to 5th Floor.# 49, Churc;h Street, Sengalur\J - 560 001, Karnataka, INDIA No : PCB 798 COC t.O 15/ b 0 /_f, ..3 NOTIFICATION Date: Sub : Prescribing Consent validity p·eriod for htrgetme.dium· Red and 6ran!:,re industrieS/organizations- reg. . Ref : 1. Notification No. : PC.B(I81-Yol-2120 11-l2/68 1l dated: 6.3.2012 . 2, Notification No: : PCB/I & 1- Vol-212012- 13ft,533. date,d : ~O.q·.20 12· ~. ·Proc.e~d-ings of-the l95 1 h Bonrd ~1eeting held on 24.0 1.2015. -"'-·*·~··- Presently. the Board is foll0wing the oonsent vnlidicy period un-der ·water Act, I9.74 and AirA~t. 1~·81 as per the n·ot-ifications ci'ted und~r f·~rerenc:e (I}& (2). Further, the Board in ifs 19,'5t 11 Meeting,he-ltl -on .24.ol.LOI5 hasappro\{Cd to revise the v~lidity p~ ri o.d. of.C9nsent for Operation und~r th~ Wat~t AC:t, j:9.74 .84 the Air Al>t, 19-S l .in respect of \ar.ge/medium red -:aiJ.d <i'r~te eii:e.go.ries .i.ndustrieslol'ganizat ion~. uniformly. Hen~e the f.olk>wing:order; ... ... . ORDER Tht! Consent for Operation valirlity p.el ;iod under. Wat¢r Ac.~ J ~7·4 · &Air Act, t9-8·1 in resp-eet of targe(1h,e'dium red ·and or-'ange categories industries/ol'ganiZilti~ns $hall l;>'e a.~. indicated in the table below. The ~gnsent fees fo r'i'~d & orange category shall be collected at ~>nee cir in ~o · installments ( 3 )'ears+ 2 years). Th rs:order shall be re~d along with the Notifications under refejen~~- (1J&d 7) ·above. The c·onsent validity ~dod for ~II th~ R~d. Q(an~eand Oreen c-ate~ory shalt be as under. Cnn·~ent Validity Period ·Categery Red Orange Green Large 5-years (5 fee$) 5 y~ai's (5. t~e~) FO ye:ars (5 fe~s) Medium 5 )•ears (5 fees) 5 years.{S fees) 1'0 years (5 tees) Small 5 years (3 fees) 5 years {3. r~·s) 1·~ years (I fee) Micro (<25 ~years {I fee') 5'YC!lr~ { J lee) !One time pem1artent lakhs) cO.nseilr (I fee) ....I AVO ID USI: 0 1 PlASTICS· Bt 'ECO' 1-RII:NOLY 90