Cement, Energy and Environment

I 2003 to Sulphur dioxide 200 mg/Nrn 3 (for units having December (SOz) capacity of 500 MW and above) 31,2006(i) Oxides of 300 mg/Nm 3 nitrogen (NOx) Mercury (Hg) 0.03 mg!Nm 3 TPPs (units) to Particulate 30 mg!Nm 3 be installed Matter from January 1.~0 17 (ii) Sulphur dioxide 100 mg/Nm 3 (SOz) Oxides of 100 mg/Nm 3 uitr·ogen (NOx) Mercury (Hg) 0.03 mg/Nm 3 (i) TPPs (units) shall meet the limits with in two years from date ofthc notification. (ii) Includes all the TPPs (unils) which ha"e been accorded environmental clearance and are under construction. lf.NO . Q- 15017/40/2007-CPW) (Dr. Rashid Hasan) Advisor Note:- The principal rules were publi shed in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary.Part 11, s~ction 3,sub-seclion (i) vide notification number S.O. 844 (E). 19th November, 1986 and lastly amended vide notification number S.O. 8(E) dated 3rd January, l989. 3 89 I